Science-Box News Media

Searching 10,000 years a LIFE meaning on Earth





The war on West imperialism terrorism

a nightmare mind journey in theories of materialism, atheism, and clashs of civilization

Watching global world recession today which is just started downturning hegemony of  American_Imperialism and changing significantly global map of capitalism power, but truly who has governed the myterious clock of civilization-cycle, if we are now awakening with the socialism people-power of China which become a talent gamer in global capitalism roullette.

Can you imagine 1,328,210,000 socialism people-power of  China  are now emerging  as a self-sustainable,self-sufficient nation, global trade leader which American media hysteria called it again and again, a word of badly communism. The cold war with common enemies of socialism, communism were not over really , and now it turned with term of global war_on_Islamic terrorism, then it comes our Earth in world recession.Who governed the clock-time of  civilization-cycle?  

Materialism minds  from West Imperialism

If we refer the map of 10,000 years time-table of civilization, who got survived the golden longest time of civilization?  West claimed Roman_Empire got around 500 years, I myself claimed that Islamic_empire got more than 500 years including transforming history parts of Romans Empire itself to modern history now. Islam has fruitfully envoyed great God-spirituality to this millenium era, but West has taken great materialism for further renaissance, industrial_revolution, and colonialism, and now we might calculate how long West colonialism and imperialism will had taken part centuries of 10,000 years time-table.

I believe. it is still below 500 years of the golden era of  Western_imperialism, isn't it? In the past time 11th century of  Pope_Urban_II  which campaign the Crusade war, perhaps European Christianity population were 15 million and maybe more Islamic population in Middle-East were 45 million. Now in this Millenium we can refer from Wikipedia that Christianity  got 2 billion and Islam got 1.2 billion around the Earth.

Poorly, Crusade-war had brought European in hate-hysteria against Islam and the worst hate was against Jewish life in_Europe  as we can read in Wikipedia of long black history European cruelty against religions. But how can we measure influences of materialism concept to the West and influences of spiritualism concept to the East?

West European was clearly had no roots of Abraham religions, Buddhism, or Hinduism, West had a link of Abraham religion-history-part since Crusade war. Great Christianity_in_Europe had grown up because of civilizations clash with the golden era of Islamic civilization  since 7th century, but West Renaissance  and Industrial Revolution had grown up because of materialism philosophy development after Crusade war 10-12th centuries.

It is expansion growth of materialism meaning since West had brought Arabic_numeral system and Roman_alphabet  to "the consciousness human printing machine" of  Johann_Gutenberg. It started chains reaction of science and technology, yes it was happened in Europe but it is not started in Romans, China, or Islamic Empires. Why? That is materialism miracle from West European, but who governed the clock of civilization cycle?

Now in this milleium, why do West European look Middle East conflict unproportionally?  Why do Americans look strategically Israel  roles are so very important? Why do we think Israel is an influence power on their little map of history? Perhaps my opinion looks like ridiculous anti-semitism, but if we look map of 10,000 years time-table of civilization, it is clearly Israel is nothing further considerable, yes it was mentioned on the book, but what is it meant?       

Sukarno, had given civilization meaning of Indonesia archipelago from its spread thousands of united islands, races, difference cultures and languages in new one nationality, Indonesia. It is new spirituality of new created nation, it should not be a new materialism based on Darwin theory of natural selection.

Even Israel is the strongest power with nuclear bombs in Middle East, but the clock of civilization cycle is now turning direction to the East. Time looks like to choose Israel are trapped nation in hatred and confused Jewish term amid nation, race or religion, but poorly most of  Jewish  media are easily to say antisemitism  words.

The flag of Israel is indicated 61 years of  Zionism  alien-nation from other planet coming to Jazeera which classify Arabs as enemies of  civilizations clash. Strongest power with nuclear-bombs, self-confident in materialism theories, self-proud of advance modernization, a battle front of civlization clashs for American_Imperialism in Middle East, but how could Theodor_Herzl doctrines be a spiritual power to create Great Israel on that 10,000 years time-table?

I am sure that most Israelis and its supporters have forgotten that Islam and Christianity are greatly chosen-flag-carriers of Judaism or Jewish religion from its small origin on the map of promised-land. With most Jewish in America feel themselves as oldest ownership of civilization, now Israel is clearly a monster gladiator of American_Imperialism  in Jazeera, nothing else, a West-cloned nation with enriched-uranium-explosives of Marx materialism therories and civilizations clash theories, a nation are now hardly trying to revovle anti-clockwise time of civilization journey.         

God-spirituality  minds from Islam  concepts

It is real nature that most colorful of God spirituality( Tawhid) is Islam, like colors of human-skin, colors of birds, all life creatures have wonderful life colors. If you choose Atheism  as your faith, it means you choose no-color of your consciousness-clothes. It is strong color of consciousness-clothes to remind humankind that we  are in a great mind journey and we're just observing temporary illusive fabric-baryonic-material.

Manifestation of Islamic spirituality(Tawhid) about materialism are clearly implemented in  zakat charity concept and anti-riba concept, it is the Prophet Muhammad outlook of how dangerous of human-greed in future. Let's imagine beauty voyage of God-spirituality since around 700 years ago, a long journey of  Jalal_ad-Din_Muhammad_Rumi  experiences in searching a life meaning between God-spirituality and materialism in his poetries :

1st poetry

I searched for God among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not.
I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there.
I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but God I found not.
With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount Caucasus and found there only 'anqa's habitation.
Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of old and young; God was not there even.
Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from ibn Sina but found Him not within his range.
I fared then to the scene of the Prophet's experience of a great divine manifestation only a "two bow-lengths' distance from him" but God was not there even in that exalted court.
Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else.

2nd poetry

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was Man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as Man, to soar
With angels bless'd; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel-soul,
I shall become what no mind e'er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! for Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones,
To Him we shall return.

Humankind now is coming in to journeys of universe consciousness meanings, we can look whole around the Copernicus-globe of  Earth , we can decipher Hubble-globe around limits of  13.7 bya observable_universe, it is well-defined of universe limits even our life itself, a mysterious mortality.

Our five-senses are habitably looking comparisons of high-low, poor-rich, smart-stupid, bad-good, but it is actually human-consciousness running limitless on sphere-surface of mysterious one-globe of universe consciousness, so we got One-Earth-Journey and finally we got One-Universe-Journey in 13.7 bya. So Rumi said : "To Him we shall return" and "Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else".

Now in this millenium, how can we expect humankind prophecies of materialism revolution carriers like Karl_Marx , Charles_Darwin, Samuel_P._Huntington, Richard_Dawkins and others? It is all nightmare civilization journey which is now humankind have self-destruction capacity with 10,000 megaton thermo-nuclear weapons, it is now world captured and controlled by greedy-money imperialism, it is now American_Imperialism long campaigned global war_on_Islamic terrorism, it is now the world started in global economic turmoil. Who governed the clock of civilization-cycle?   

Summary :

  • So battle of materialism and God-spirituality will never be peacefully resolved. It is actually global West-imperialism war which use cloaked words of a war in terrorism. Both of American and Israelis same campaigned global war_on_Islamic terrorism. The real money imperialism monsters still have the last evil-threats of annihilation such as nuclear_umbrella protection  for West-cloned Zionism in Middle East.

  • It is clearly anti-clockwise time-table to create Great Israel, it is far beyond possibility. The answer is only one reason. It is evil-imperialism war cloaked by phrase of Arab-Israel conflict, a planned-evil-intention of Zionism gladiator to use nuclear option in near future.

  • To solve this crucial impacts of evil-imperialism greediness with their nuclear capabilities,   humankind have to determine switching off-limits of greedy money civilization. Alternatively it is blue-green revolution which use technology to create self-sustainable life of modern agricultural civilization.


Mohamad SM            

Reference links : Wikipedia and memorigin


Mount Dempo, 1 January  2009

Civilization of greedy-money imperialism and future of One-Earth

Imagine a self-sufficient farmer

When I was a young boy of seven years old around 1968, my dad got me taking back to his home-town, a farmer village on feet of  Mount Dempo Pasemah highland South Sumatra. It was wonderful childhood holiday staying in natural cool of mount highland with green coffee trees which were still valuable crops with pride of my grandpa.   

It still keep in my memory, my grandpa had farmed buffalo, goat, egg-poultry under his high-feet traditional wood-house. A long history of traditional farmer which had well-survived with sustainable and self-sufficient life, completely with corps cultivation of coffee, rice, fruit, and green vegetable. It is well-proven human natural survival beyond our past and future civilization on this blue-green planet. A couple of grandpa and grandma was naturally folk peasant farmer but they had successfully educated of their 2 sons and 1 daughter  out of village to cities of Palembang, Jakarta and Bogor.

It comes to my outlook curiosity, if I thought dreaming as a farmer with self-sustainable and self-sufficient power. Think to go back  in a basic nature, if sometimes a simple life does not necessary require to chase a monthly salary in the metropolitan city. I believe that our millennium civilization could create more advance model of a self-sufficient farmer. It is simply that if we are able to change agricultural civilization to be industrial civilization, so we should able to create a reversible life-cycle, we are back to a basic state of natural self-sustainable life. In the future of better life of our One-Earth, perhaps we have to determine switching off-limits of greedy money civilization, a pure consciousness without money.      

Who created money civilization?   Man, Angel or Evil ?

We have always forgotten that human civilization had created money civilization from its origin fate of agriculture civilization . Money is like gun-powder, quantized power for energy exchange, it will be explosive drives. Perhaps money in this millennium like enriched-uranium, it had geared up revolutionary industry civilization but also it had created uncontrolled chains-reaction of human greediness of money. There are goodness side of money civilization, let's say 70% of kindness but the remaining 30% had created evil-characters which dominate the world future. It is simply of worst inevitable facts like world foreign debt crisis, crucial gap risks of  foreign exchange, evil-characters of global money-shares trading, it had created acceleration of  world poverty explosion  by money corruption and manipulation. It looks like human civilization have no chances to improve better humanity since gold-coins was discovered in Middle East around 5000 years ago.

Today the world was captured and dominated by hidden monsters of  money capitalism system, every time human born was set up as a robotic worker market with monthly highly salary dreams. While the money game-circle was set up in invisible ghost power of bank interest  which exploit excessive Riba. Money system have no equal value of "life-equivalence" in every country, Indonesian rupiah will have no equal of "life-equivalence" with American dollar. The excessive greedy-money capitalism, world foreign debt crisis, American recession, world recession, acceleration of world poverty, high growth of world population, could we still have chance to create life equivalence right for every human nature ?

Watching world trade competition would bitterly create battle of money empires with badly "homo homini lupus", coming era of China and India with techno-socialism people power playing and ruling world capitalism games, downturn roles of West Europe countries and America in near future, real threats of 10,000 mega-ton thermo-nuclear hiding underground around the world,  the crucial growth of 7 billion world population , inevitable increase of failed-nations in their prosperity development in Africa and Asia, what will earth and humankind getting survive  in next hundreds and thousands years ?     

By using misguided Malthus theory of catastrophe and narrow minded of Darwinism, it is possibly that evil-hawkish leaders of imperialism countries will have future strategic of devastation war by using nuclear weapon. Simple example, it is easy to campaign the world over-populated, by sophisticated hidden power which creating clashes of civilization, religions, and races. It is trouble-free to say falsehood of nuclear threats from Saddam regime, it will be promised a democracy, then it is all agreed decision attacking other country. When the war was realized without end-game, it is easy to campaign war in terrorism, another typical format of clash of civilization till coming the worst evil which psychopathic-mind to consider annihilation of a civilization.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were in the file record of  10,000 years human mind-journey that human will be able coming to eliminate a city life of 15 million human in minutes but dare you how to regenerate a life of  amoeba from basic elements of  organic compounds. Someday history will record that the war in terrorism is typically imperialism war or communism war, the war was created by human greed of money capitalism. 

Humankind could create reversible cycle of its origin fate, agriculture civilization

The goodness of capitalism is now actually able to regenerate  reversible life-cycle of a self-sufficient model of agriculture civilization  Based on model of a self-sufficient farmer like my pride of grandpa, there are a lot of ideas and models to create advance millennium agricultural civilization. Like in Indonesia, there are long history from Dutch colony plan like transmigration model and other name like self-sufficient transmigration village development. But it was a sweet-candy model of lips-stick speech of government officers. A self-sufficient agriculture development terminology is now only issues of poor farmer problem without future fate solution, but for many  big companies of agriculture farm are well-managed as profit oriented which apply money capitalism, without developing a self-sustainable and a self-sufficient concepts.

Can we imagine someday it will be regenerated  agricultural capitalism transformation which create economy drives out of industrial cities, with less interest to live in traffic jams in cars and air polluted, less interest to buy riba of money-shares of Wall-Street or Nikkei, less interest to shopping of excessive money consumable in metropolitan malls, but human natures could decide the better choice of life-style, It is the available way for alternatives to choose better future of long live human civilization.

By using information-technology right now, human could achieve harmony in blue-green revolution. If world economy demand are going down and down, shadows of million of jobless pose a real and long depression, our consciousness have to look back again the good humanity concepts from religions, a sustainable life  without  bank-interest  and rights for the poor with zakat charity model.           

An example of development study of blue-green revolution :

city industry capitalism



village industry capitalism with self-sufficient agriculture concept

This diagram describes a concept model of balance exchange between city industry capitalism and village industry capitalism with self-sufficient agriculture concept :

A big integrated plantation company (in Indonesia) of palm-oil, rubber-tree, chocolate with end-process fabrication complex for exporting. The company actually can provide their workers/working-farmers with several package to create self-sufficient farmer. The company can create  a self-sustainable agriculture society supported by government with co-operatives system. The provided self-sufficient package are fabricated-farms of  :  

  • fish pond

  • rice and corps

  • fruit and vegetable

  • milk-cow, buffalo, goat

  • poultry

  • common cold storage 

What are government supports required to create self-sustainable agriculture society? It is time change to flow back to nature, if the past built infrastructures of city industry complex, now government need to build the village agriculture industry infrastructures:  

  • electric and water utilities and its network, alternative energy development

  • fixed and wireless telecommunication system 

  • road infra-structures and irrigation system

  • low cost owned/rent housing and dormitories

  • rent/owned land with fabricated-farm package

  • expand co-operatives development of a self-sustainable agriculture 

  • general and social facilities of education, religion, sport and recreation    

Then for integrating spiritually with public participation of self-sustainable agriculture, The social-economy-control concepts from religion basics need to be implemented to achieve successful blue-green revolution :

  • Syariah concept of  anti-riba , a life-equivalence but not money-equivalence, self-sustainable people, co-operatives.     

  • Charity of Zakat which implement society participation pro-actively serving syariah-social works., collecting data the poor and disable people, visiting, learning, teaching, giving zakat charity.

Brief summary

I believe that our millennium civilization could create more advance model of a self-sufficient farmer. It is simply that if we are able to change agricultural civilization to be industrial civilization, so we should able to create a reversible life-cycle, we are back to a basic state of natural self-sustainable life.

Money is like gun-powder, quantized power for energy exchange, it will be explosive drives. Perhaps money in this millennium like enriched-uranium, it had geared up revolutionary industry civilization but also it had created uncontrolled chains-reaction of human greediness of money. In the future of better life of our One-Earth, perhaps we have to determine switching off-limits of greedy money civilization, a pure consciousness without money.

Someday it will be regenerated  agricultural capitalism transformation which create economy drives out of industrial cities, with less interest to live in traffic jams in cars and air polluted, less interest to buy riba of money-shares of Wall-Street or Nikkei, less interest to shopping of excessive money consumable in metropolitan malls, but human natures could decide the better choice of life-style. It is the available way for alternatives to choose better future of long live human civilization.

Our consciousness have to look back again the good humanity concepts from religions, a sustainable life  without  bank-interest  and rights for the poor with zakat charity model.

Mount Dempo, Pasemah highland, 01-01-2009

Mohamad SM 

Links reference : Wikipedia and memorigin


Jakarta, 5 October  2007

Why I am interested to depict real face Ahmadinejad with Jesus Christ?   

If American news publicity are interested to depict Ahmadinejad  with an  Adolf_Hitler , surely I am interested to compare depiction of real face between  Ahmadinejad  with Noble Jesus Christ. Is there something wrong with Ahmadinejad face so American people have excessive shock exploring hate hysteria in electronic mass media? I do not believe that the hate was perfectly created by Jewish power in America.

So who are the real American war-monger-managers which every day creatively producing words of enemies hysteria like terrorist, Satan, Hitler, communist in USA electronic media? And now the poor of  shooting target is typically face like Ahmadinejad, Yasser Arafat and certainly Osama bin Laden.        

It is actually BBC have good comparison of that.

BBC has good question : "Why do we think Christ was white ?"

But I am interested to extend the question, Why do we think Jewish was white?

Look picture Ahmadinejad smile with a white Cleric and now try to imagine the real face depiction of Jesus Christ.


Ahmadinejad with a Cleric

Is this real face Jesus Christ ?




Note : Bold italic links above are Wikipedia Source as reference readings





Read cosmological philosophy  :


The war on West Imperialist  terrorism

Save our Earth from greedy-money-imperialism


Aristotle syllogism  and Universe time-table

Theory of Universe Consciousness

One-Earth is Enough


Meaning of  13.700.000.000 light-year


Read article in format (PDF/PPT) :


Life Elsewhere and Beyond (PDF)

Life Elsewhere and Beyond (PPT)

Universe Consciousness Theory (PDF)


Universe Consciousness in sketch


Universe Consciousness  and  Our Sujud

10.000 years civilization time-table

Mind Journey Concept


Read article of civilization journey :





What's really meant of 10,000 years human angers


Science-Box News Media

Author : Mohamad SM