September Watson Foundation September Watson Foundation

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Welcome to the September Watson Foundation!

Foundation News & Information
 Who is Septemeber Watson
Posted 05 Febraury 2007
September is a eight year old girl that suffers from Shaken Baby Syndrome, Developmental, Neurological, and other disorders that was caused by her Father.

She cannot walk, talk, see, nor can she eat or drink like a normal eight year old. She can see shadows, move her arms but cannot reach for a object, she is able to make sounds but cannot make a word or sentence.she can respond to people calling Her name.

Her Father said he shook her because she was crying and wouldn't stop. She is a real Surviver.

September requires nonstop care and takes around twenty medications a day for Respiratory Ailments , Seizures, Gastrointestinal problems, plus many other Ailments caused by the Damage.

Her Grandmother says.... " She is truly one of God's Angels, I think he's got a special place here for her, for some reason "

Her favorite song is " Hello God " by Dolly Parton. When people play it for her, her smile just lights up the room.

One of her favorite things to do is Bounce. There are lots of things that she could use that Medicaid will not pay for. Such as Over The Counter Medications, Special Toys, Wipes, Chairs to Sit In, Van Equipment, Under Pads, Dipers, A Swing, etc.

September has an account set up but no one has donated towards it. My website is... click on spotlight. You can also view my story at... Search September Watson

Her Dad got 20 years!!! She got LIFE!!!!

 2006 BSIA Pink & Black Ball
Posted March 08, 2007
In 2006 September Watson was named the Queen of the Pink and Black Ball held by the Big Sisters in Action of Agusta Georgia.

Congratulations September you truly are a Queen to all of us.

 Grandma's Story
Posted March 08, 2007
One week in the summer of 1998 my family's lives changed forever....My husband and i had just arrived in Florida for a visit with his parents when the awful phone call came. My first granddaughter was in the hospital, only 4 weeks old. I was told she may not survive. She was suffering from Shaken Baby Sydrome, that her very own father had caused from child abuse. I couldn't understand how something this awful could happen. Our little angel "September" had been so full of life before he did this to her.

I was very angry, not only at him, but everyone and everything. I was constantly in tears and the nightmares were continuous everynight. I felt alone with no one to talk too who truly knew what I was going through to see my sweet September struggle for her life. She had tubes running out of everywhere .My little angel couldn't even brethe on her own. This is when the doctors advised us to consider turning off the machines. However, this is when God took over and made it possible for September to begin to breathe on her own with no machines! Yes, our angel survived Shaken Baby Syndrome! She is now seven years old and she is fed through a tube, chemically blind, has seizures daily, will never talk, walk, or even hold her precious head up on her own...So the doctors say anyway!!

I say it's up to God what happens.

Mrs. June Norris
September's Grandmother

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- Syracuse Composite Squadron Webmaster: 1st Lt Michael Kieloch - ©2004 -
Last Updated: February 17, 2006