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Optimism and enthusiasm are defining terms for Sagittarius as a Rising Sign.  Particularly drawn to travel, they love exploration, as their mind is open to all new avenues of thought.  They are idealistic, full of energy, and adventurous, and want to expand their boundaries to discover new possibilities.

Sagittarius's ambitions are geared to large-scale goals and they love to overcome obstacles, live up to challenges, and reach out for the stars to bring them down to earth.  They can be considered a person of the future because their eyes are always focused on what lies ahead of them.  They demand freedom, and find themselves drawn to protecting those whose freedom may be infringed upon, such as children or animals.  Fighting for any cause they find worthwhile is second nature to them.

Sagittarius's are constantly searching for the true meaning of their existence in this world, and therefore, they are fascinated by philosophical, religious, and scientific truths.  At the same time, they are ethical in their thinking and have high moral standards.

Since Sagittarius's are such positive thinkers, their sense of humor always helps them bounce back quickly, when they are sad.  They rarely ever walk down the melancholic path and feel sorry for themselves.  Even disappointments don't tend to affect them that much, because their idealism will pull them beyond.

When it comes to love, Sagittarius's are a bit fickle, and they tend to move from one love affair to the next.  It's hard for them to settle down.  Their need for expansion and growth is unquenchable, and sometimes they think one partner can't satisfy that in them.  But with age, they will realize the value of getting more stable and are able to make a true commitment.


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Happy is how people see Sagittarius's.  Doesn't matter if they're in a foul mood, they look for all the world to be the consummate optimist, the open, friendly adventurer.  On the other hand, Sagittarians are often restless and contentious; they bore easily and sometimes pick fights for the fun of it.  They give an impression of such indifference that others may say some crazy, unexpected or even hurtful things to them, expecting their comments to roll right off Sagittarian's back!  They can't help it -- they're just exuding that characteristic Archer cool.


Following information was provided by: Astrology

With your Rising Sign (Ascendant) in Sagittarius, you are jovial, optimistic, desirous of knowledge and freedom-loving. You are capable of seeing the 'big picture' in any undertaking, well aware of the ramifications of your actions or activities. You tend to take an authoritative stance in any undertaking, demonstrating expertise and greater-than-average competence. For this reason, you tend to be independent and your own master. You are frank in your observations, sometimes bluntly so, but your conclusions rarely fail to hit their mark. Your social consciousness is very strong which inevitably leads to outspoken opinions on politics or current events. You are a thinker, capable of breadth of understanding on just about any topic, but rather than being 'high brow' in style, you relate to others in a frank and jovial manner, keying into the common ground shared by all. You have an appreciation of cultures and traditions other than your own; for this reason you love to travel.


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