MERIDIAN Mission Patch

"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible."
- Albert Einstein

Colin Hawkes

FULL NAME Colin Andrew Hawkes
ASSIGNMENT Meridian NX-06, Chief Armory Officer
RANK Lieutenant Junior Grade
AWARDS Epsilon Eridani Campaign RibbonStarfleet Letter of CommendationPurple Academy Ribbon of Excellence
Epsilon Eridani Campaign Ribbon, Starfleet Letter of Commendation for Dedication to Duty, Purple Academy Ribbon of Excellence
RACE Human
PLACE OF ORIGIN Pacifica Undersea Mining Colony, United States, Earth
AGE 30
PHYSICAL PROFILE 6'0", 190 lbs, Hazel eyes, Brown hair; nothing unusual
SPECIALTIES Expert swimmer, excellent hand to hand skills
HOBBIES History, Reading, Old Movies

Colin was born in North Carolina but his parents moved with him to the Pacifica Undersea Mining Colony when he was five. Colin grew up there while his parents worked there. His mother was one of the research biologists and his father was the foreman of one of the mining teams. When Colin returned from his time in college he applied for a job with the Colony Security Force. He spent the next ten years there helping maintain order among the roughneck miners and working as the colony's main search and rescue force regarding mine accidents. Hawkes got a reputation as a peacemaker and was frequently sought out during confrontations to be a fair listener to the miners, but also respected by them due to the fact that he was an accomplished martial artist from years of practice that began with his years at college.

The growing enthusiasm on Earth regarding space travel and the new warp ships being built wasn't lost on Colin. He avidly kept up with the developments and when the first news of Starfleet being created reached the Colony, Hawkes knew immediately that he wanted to go into space and applied as soon as he realized he met the basic requirements for entry into the Academy.