MERIDIAN Mission Patch

"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible."
- Albert Einstein

Joshua Witter

FULL NAME Joshua Morgan "Josh" Witter
ASSIGNMENT Meridian NX-06, Second Officer, Chief Engineering Officer
RANK Lieutenant
AWARDS Earth Planetry Security Marine Corps (Decoration for Gallantry, 2146)
RACE Human
PLACE OF ORIGIN Lakes, Michigan, Earth
AGE 29
PHYSICAL PROFILE 6'2", 190 lbs. Hair: Brown, Eyes: Hazel. Most of his mass is muscle from constantly training and exercise.
SPECIALTIES LANGUAGES: English, French, German, Spanish and learning Vulcan
INTERESTS: Improving Warp Travel, Temporal Theory, Particle Physics and Alien cultures and technology
HOBBIES Fitness, Music, Stellar Sciences, and women.

Born to Pacey and Josephine Witter in the year 2123, Joshua was considered their "miracle child". Josh came from a family of Scientists as his mother was an exobiologist and his father was a warp propulsion expert. Because he had changed homes so many times in his childhood, Josh found it extremely difficult to continually make new friends only to lose them when he moved. He still considered it a great adventure to be the first to encounter new life and civilizations.

Josh showed a keen interest in science and technology, and has an extraordinary ability to visualize complex mathematical and engineering concepts. In a science fair competition Josh was able to produce schematics for a miniaturize version of a Starfleet communicator and devised a smaller sub dermal device. The small transmitter/receiver device could theoretically be implanted underneath the skin. That is if in theory it worked.

Technology and Science were not Josh's only interests. At age nine he began with playing the clarinet and continues to practice at least once a day. He also read many books about military tactics and history. Mostly from the middle twentieth century to the early twenty first century. After high school Josh entered into the Marine Corps. As his curiosity grew more about visiting other words and even commanding a starship someday, in 2148 Josh Witter accomplished his first step by entering into Starfleet Academy.


In the year of 2140 after several weeks of testing, Joshua Morgan Witter received his seat to the Earth Naval/Marine Military School. Upon completion of his enlisted classes in 2142, Josh was awarded with the rank of lance corporal from his high marks and personal scores. Josh began his career as a Marine specializing in engineering and in diplomatic security at the Earth Embassy in Geneva. In 2144 after two years of distinguished service, he rose to the rank of sergeant. In 2146 Josh Witter was awarded a Decoration for Gallantry for his efforts in a successful mediation of a hostage crisis. Separatists had taken a Vulcan ambassador and other high-ranking Earth official's hostage, and had threatened to kill everyone inside unless the Earth Government agreed to have the Vulcan's leave Earth. Sergeant Witter and his team of seven other Marines successfully rescued the Vulcan Ambassador and the other hostages with a minimum loss of life. In 2148 after six years of distinguished service, Staff Sergeant Josh Witter, with his commanding officers recommendation was admitted into Starfleet Academy. After completing several courses such as Warp Theory, Matter/Antimatter propulsion and Command Protocols, all in which he received high marks, and with his experience thus far as a Marine he was commissioned a Starfleet Officer with the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.

In 2151 Lieutenant Junior Grade Josh Witter worked at the Jupiter Station Shipyards in aiding the construction of the newest class of starship dubbed NX. After over a year later Admiral Forest assigned newly promoted Lieutenant Joshua Morgan Witter to the starship Meridian NX - 06 in July of the year 2152. His position is Chief Engineer and with Captain Jorge Mendoza's acceptance the vessels Second Officer.


Charming, bold, a born explorer. A core of human decency and intuition guides Joshua, even when they contravene direct orders. He is independent, yet has a strong sense of duty. Josh Witter is a high complexed individual with a stunning amount of self-discipline. As a Marine Officer Witter would put aside anything and anyone who would divert his concentration from the primary responsibilities. In a word, Joshua is focused. His primary goal is to command his own NX class starship before his fortieth birthday.


Josh has displayed a well-rounded personality and temperament throughout his rising command career, his father's death when he was sixteen helped foster an ambitious officer, which wanted to make his career one of notice. Though usually a calm and reasoned observer, Joshua Witter possess and extraordinary mental ability to adapt readily to varied demands and to novel situations, and learn to meet crisis by inventiveness. His stubbornness and arrogance is defined as extreme self-confidence. Although this is a positive attribute of an officer of great caliber, yet not sufficient enough to ensure his effectiveness. Despite this shortcoming, he is an individual who has a sense of urgency, and one of intelligence. He knows what his mission is and the purpose for it. His energy is not blind, not fitful, nor easily daunted. There is nothing more limiting of one's potential than too much fear of the unknown.

On a lighter note, Joshua is very calm and resourceful. He recognized at an early age that in even dire circumstances, one must retain a sense of hope - trusting in his own ability and in the competence of others to stand firm against what would otherwise be on overpowering tide of helplessness and gloom. Generally, he claims to be inept at organizing his time off and - predictably - prefers to let events happen unplanned.


Josh has a strong libido and - aside from encounters made in the line of duty, his lifelong dream is commanding a vessel of his own rather than settling down with a wife and having a family. He has had several medical checkups every year and each has concluded with a 100 percent clean bill of heath.

He has one special physical attribute. A small black colored tattoo on the right arm just above the joint of a skull silhouette and the words "death before dishonor" engraved in crimson.