<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/merlose16/userfiles:/user/Ibelieve.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
New quotes are in bold.
              ~Zell~ FF8

              ~Fujin~ FF8

-A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job, thats just a fool.
              ~Reno~ FF7

-What a crew.
              ~Rufus~ FF7

-Are we dere yet?
              ~Barret~ FF7

-*Thinking*........ya know.
          ~Raijin~ FF8

-Hold onto your drawers, just  don't piss in 'em.
           ~Cid~ FF7

-Stop acting like a retard and climb.
          ~Tifa~ FF7

         ~Yuffie~ FF7

-I'm sending you because you're to stupid to use magic.
           ~Kuja~ FF9

-Yo!  Rusty, move it or lose it!
           ~Zidane~ FF9

         ~Moogles~ FF9

-You're all a bunch of babysitting bastards.
         ~Zidane~ FF9

-Get off me you scum bag!
         ~Dagger~ FF9

-Stiender, Quina......What are you doing?
          ~Zidane~ FF9

-Neither Cloud no Squall shall hinder us.
         ~Marcus~ FF9

        ~Ruby~ FF9

-Why should the world exist without me?
        ~Kuja~ FF9

-Stop flirting with her!
        ~Dagger~ FF9

-I'm............gonna die?
          ~Kuja~ FF9

         ~Tifa~ FF7

-Who you callin' Mr. Barret?  That don't sound right.
         ~Barret~ FF7

- You're so damn boring.
        ~Barret~ FF7

-What kind of cattle you chasin' there darlin?
         ~Ruby~ FF9

-You're on my 'one-tough-nut-to-crack' list.
        ~Seifer~ FF8

- I want you to remember my story and the legacy that I have left and remember.....no matter where you look, mo matter how hard you try, you will never find the courage in darkness.  True courage comes from within.
      ~Red XIII~ FF7

-A floating city...Pretty unsettleing scenery.
       ~Cloud~ FF7

-You jes' full of suprises.
       ~Barret~ FF7

-The upper world...a city on a plate...It's 'cuz of that *^#$# 'pizza' that people underneath are sufferin'.
       ~Barret~ FF7

-I know...no one lives in the slums because they want to.  Its like this train.  It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it. 
       ~Cloud (I think)

-Don't get so big headed jus' because you were in soldier!
   ~Biggs~ FF7

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