Being just five foot tall
Is a very big problem, you see!
I know all about this dilemma
Since there is only five foot of me.

Everything that I try to reach,
When I go shopping, is up to high.
Why do they always put everything,
On the top shelf, that I always buy?

I can’t reach my top kitchen cabinets,
Without standing on my stepstool.
I wonder why they built them so high,
For us short people that does seems cruel!

Every time I gain a pound of weight,
On short little me it looks like ten.
So I look like I’m five foot wide,
I have to starve if I want to look thin!

Yes, being just five foot tall,
Sure can cause a lot of problems for me.
But I just keep on making the best of it,
Because I am the way God made me to be!

© M. Doris Fuller