Footprints In The Snow
I checked my watch, then saw the date,
The calendar in the hall.
Another Christmas was fast approaching.
The shadow's on the wall.
I know that many people yearn,
For this season to appear.
But I just sit alone and wait
For it all to disappear.
There was a time, not long ago
That even I would look
For the fall of that very first snowflake,
And the ice that covers the brook.
I was a keeper of the joy
That filled the hearts of all.
But now that spark of wonder
To me, no longer called.
You see, the brightest star that shined,
Once lit my nighttime sky.
And even on the coldest day,
Would make my spirit fly!
Today, that star is shining bright
In the Kingdom of our Lord,
And the world seems just a little dark
To this spirit that once soared.
But on a very quiet night,
As I sat with just my thoughts,
I heard a voice inside me
That said "Let's take a walk."
So out into the cool night air,
In my wheelchair, I rolled.
I smelled the scent of drifting smoke
From fires fighting cold.
The ground was covered with soft white snow
That flattened 'neath my wheels,
And left a mark upon the Earth
That surely it could feel.
I felt so down and all alone,
Without that heart so dear.
Then in the distance, in the sky,
A lone star did appear.
It outshined all the others
As another did, long ago.
And suddenly I felt her near
She was with me, I know!
I felt her small, warm hand in mine
And heard her soft, sweet voice.
That smile she wore upon her face
That made my heart rejoice!
She whispered "You are not alone."
"I'm always watching you."
"And when your final day arrives,
Your dreams will all come true."
It was then that I looked down
And saw those tiny marks
That seemed to walk beside me
On my journey through the dark.
I knew I'd had a visitor,
A special one, indeed!
She felt my pain and sorrow,
And knew just what I'd need.
She filled my heart with warmth and love
On that night, so dark and cold.
And reminded me that He is here,
As prophecy foretold.
On that night, so long ago,
In a stable, far away,
A baby came into our world
And in our hearts, He stays.
© by Carl Sartori 12-13-06 Dedicated to Lauri.
I wish to thank my good friend Carl, Spiritflyer, for letting
me use this beautiful poem he wrote. Carl has been my
dear friend since 1999.
to make these graphics is from a Broderbund CD. The background music is "Silent Night."