I know my spirit has been set free.
It soars like a dove in flight.
There are no bonds that hold my heart,
I’m guided by my Master’s light.

Angels are my companions as I fly,
A free spirit through the night.
I behold all the essence of freedom,
Heaven’s gate is now in my sight.

I can no longer feel my many pains,
But a great joy down in my soul.
I know the love of my Lord,
My feeble body has been made whole.

I look down as my spirit soars,
While a brief sadness my heart feels.
Then looking back toward heaven,
Freedom from worldly strife is revealed.

I have not left the ones I love,
I’m waiting for the day we again meet.
Oh yes! On that wondrous day,
The greatest freedom we all shall greet.

Copyright 2004 M. Doris Fuller


Picture used to make these graphics came on A
Broderbund CD purchared by me. The artist is unknown.

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This song “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
was my brother, John’s favorite song.
His “Free Spirit” went home on
July 3, 2000.

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