Once upon a time long ago
In an enchanted land very far away,
Lived the man of my dreams.
He was a very handsome knight
Who sat so tall on his white steed,
Sir Galahad was his name, it seems.
He rode through that mythical world
Performing many gallant deeds,
In a suit of armor that gleamed.
I wish I could travel back
To those long ago magic days,
I know he would have stole my heart.
Then I would have been the only lady
That Sir Galahad truly loved,
We’d lived in ecstasy from the start.
This is only my fantastic dream
I know that shall never come true,
Sir Galahad dwells only in my heart.
© M. Doris Fuller
Painting Of Sir Galahad by Sir George Frederick Watts (1817-1904)