Because I now have you,
I’m never alone.
And I’m so very happy,
I brought you to my home.
You are always giving me
So much unconditional love.
While I work at my computer
You rest on the shelf above.
You’re my loving companion,
And to me not just a shelter cat.
But my very devoted friend
With whom I often have a chat.
Sometimes you lay in my lap
While I stroke your soft silky fur.
Peering at me with those beautiful
Blue eyes, as you gently purr.
Fluffy, since I adopted you,
I‘m now never alone.
With all the love I have for you,
This beautiful cat has found a home.
Copyright M. Doris Fuller January 16, 2006
Dedicated to Fluffy, my devoted cat.
She keeps me company while I work at my
Computer. She lays on the shelf above my
Computer sleeping and I think she would
Stay there all night as long I am working.
I adopted Fluffy from the animal shelter.
If you want a beautiful loving pet I’m sure
You can find one at your local shelter. Fluffy
Has been spaded. I think pets should be
Spaded or neutered to cut down on the
Number of unwanted animals.
Pictures used to make these graphics are of my cat Fluffy, taken
By me with my camera. The font used is Dickens Script SSK.
The background music is "Everybody Wants To Be A Cat."
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