There is no mortality without humanity.
If we can’t give compassion, why live?
If we can’t give comfort, why live?
If we can’t love our fellow humans, why live?
Who would want immortality in this world?
With all those who hate for no reason.
With all those who kill with no reason.
With those who can never forgive one another.
Through God find humanity with our mortality.
Learn to love your brother as thy self.
Learn to give of yourself without conditions.
Learn freeing your neighbor is to free yourself.
With God we can have humanity in our mortality.
We can learn to live on earth in harmony.
He makes this short life on earth worth living.
Through Our God we will have our immortality.
With our compassion we will find Our God.
With our love for humanity we will find God. With our love, faith and trust in God,
We will find our Heaven and therefore immortality.
Copyright 2005 M. Doris Fuller
Picture used to make these graphics came on A
Broderbund CD purchared by me. The artist is unknown.
Background music is Queen's "Who Wants To Live Forever."