You are my silent hero.

You were here when a skillet of grease
Caught fire on my stove and you put it out.

You were across the street at my neighbor's
To quite the anger before it turned tragic.

You were in the desert of Iraq and in the
Jungle of Vietnam defending my freedom.

You were in the ambulance and emergency room
During my brother’s heart attack to save his life.

You do all this my silent hero,

Yet you are the man down the street who plays
Football with his kids everyday in the yard.

You are the stranger who drives by my house
And always has a smile and wave for me.

You are the lady who teaches a Sunday school
Class and sings in the choir every Sunday.

You were that kid who once came everyday
To my house to play with my kids.

My silent hero I just want to thank you for
All the things you do to make my life better.

Copyright M. Doris Fuller 2003

This poem is dedicated to my silent hero. I’m
Sure you can see, from my poem, this is not just
One person but the many people who everyday
Do a job to make life better for us all and even
Sometimes face deadly danger in this process.
However they still do these great jobs and don’t
Even stay around for a “Thank you."
As you know 911 brought attention to these
Heroes. But they were brought to my attention
By two local tragedies.
So I would especially like to mention the three
Young fireman who lost their lives fighting a
Church fire about thirty miles from my house.
This fire was set by an arson. One of the fireman's
wife gave birth to their first child, a son, on the
day of his funeral.
Also the young policeman who was shot to death
On Christmas Eve by escaped convicts who were
Robbing a sporting goods store. That happened
Only about five miles from my house.
And I would like to ask you to pray for the
Military, as our young men and women
Face the danger of war.

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