My old cat has gone away,
To where the angel cats run and play.
She was my companion for eighteen years,
When she had to go I shed many tears.
In need of a home when she came,
We called her Trouble when giving a name.
Years passed, she became a family member,
Another year was added each September.
I will never forget that autumn day,
When we found that mistreated stray.
She was so tiny, could sleep in my shoe.
We gave her loving care, so she grew.
She gave her love while in us she did trust.
With our nurturing she became more robust.
She thought other people was a real danger,
Knowing we’d protect her from all strangers.
I had never before known such total devotion,
With so much gratitude and loving emotion.
This was our precious gift from my old cat.
Now she is gone I shall forever remember that.
Copyright @ M. Doris Fuller
In memory of our beloved Trouble.
Picture used to make graphics was scanned by Me.
The artist is unknown. The Font is Monotype Corsiva.
The Background musis is "Stray Cat."