There is a love that is purr-fect,
There is a love that is true.
From a furry little creature,
That just wants to love only you.
They don’t care how you look,
They only want to give you love.
They will curl up right in your lap,
Since you they think the world of.
They seem to know if your depressed,
When you are feeling blue.
They have that funny way of saying,
Just how much they love you.
You will find you’re never alone,
When there is a cat in the house.
They never get bored stiff and go out,
Like sometime does your spouse.
So if you need a love that’s purr-fect.
If you want a love that’s true.
I suggest you get yourself a cat,
They will be there just to love you.
© M. Doris Fuller
This photo of my cat Fluffy, used to
Make these graphics, was taken my me.