Have You Ever Seen An Angel?

It had been five months since that cold winter day
when Mandy had fallen through the ice on
the frozen lake. Ever since that day Kathryn
had been walking around in a daze. She knew she
should be giving her time to the three children she
had left but somehow she just couldn’t get passed
her grief. She had let her house work go and hadn’t
even worked in her rose garden this summer, which
had always be a source of pride for her. She lay
awake nights wondering and asking God why this
had to happen to her child. Mothers are supposed
to watch their children grow up, but this would
never happen with Mandy now.

This morning after another long sleepless night she
got up at dawn and went walking in her rose garden.
The garden had bloomed out beautifully even after
her neglect this summer. As she strolled along she
saw a beautiful young angel, with her head resting
on the top of the fence stone pillar. Her face was sad
looking and Kathryn couldn’t help but wonder why
this beautiful young angel was so sad. At that moment
the angel spoke in a soft gentle voice saying “ Be
thankful for all you have today, for tomorrow it
could be gone!" After she spoke those words the
angel disappeared.

Kathryn stood there for a moment thinking about those
words and then she understood the message the angel
had brought her. She knew it was time to let go of her
grief and get back in the living world with the family she
had left. She ran into the house and up the stairs to the
children’s bedrooms and woke them up one by one
giving each a big hug and kiss. Kathryn spent that entire
day with her husband and children in an effort to regain
some of the valuable time they had lost. She could never
forget Amanda but since fate had determined that she
would leave this world at a young age, Kathryn had
to accept that fact and move on with her life.

Copyright @ 2004 M. Doris Fuller