Oh yes, sweet serenity,
How I do crave thee.
As I sit on the river bank,
Under an old oak tree.
While I stare at the water,
Those waves mesmerize me.

Oh, peace of sweet serenity,
Which calms all my fears.
I know there are many people,
Forever I will hold so dear.
Seated here in my dark room,
I can feel they are near.

Oh, my sweet serenity,
I wish just to feel you.
I lay here awake in my bed,
All bad thoughts you subdue.
I’m praying to Almighty God,
Each day I may get through.

Now I have sweet serenity,
Which has got me to this place.
I forgot the lonely sad times,
Blissful feelings fills that space.
Today for me shall be joyful,
Sweet serenity I do embrace.

Copyright @ 2005 M. Doris Fuller

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Picture used to make these graphics came on A
Broderbund CD purchared by me. The artist is unknown.
