Love is not true if I ask conditions of you.
If you must give considerations for my affection,
Unworthiness on my part you must construe.

When someone makes looks, wealth or deeds,
Their top priory for the giving of their love.
It’s for sure they do not consider your needs.

Love must be given purely then may be returned.
This is the most precious gift we can ever receive,
When it is freed from needing to be earned.

This feeling is like those a mother has for her child,
No matter what this child does or says to her,
She still gives her unconditional love with a smile.

Today I am sending you my unconditional love.
If you chose to return this gift back to me or not
Shall not change these feelings you are worthy of.

Copyright @ 2004 M. Doris Fuller

This poem is dedicated to my “Special Friend,”
Barbara [aka Barbara Kydd], who I met online
Not long after I got on my computer. In these
Past years I have met many people online and
They will be my friend for awhile and then for
No reason I know of they will be gone. Not Barbara,
She is the most caring person I’ve met and she gives
Her friendship unconditionally. Whenever I have
A problem in life I will get an email from her or a
Phone call and her friendship has helped me through
Many rough times, Oh yes, she is also there to share
My good times as well. So to you, Barbara, I’d like to
Say “Thank You” for your friendship and for just being
You. Hey, I used Your favorite color for you on
This page LOL! “I Love You” and I know our
Unconditional Friendship is forever!!

Picture used to make these graphics came from
My Broderbund CD. The font is Monotype Corsiva.
The background music is "Welcome To My World."
