


Why must we often hurt those we love?
Love is not supposed to hurt anyone.
Why do we often love those who hurt us?
Love comes from the heart not the mind.

Why do we often hurt the children we love?
Sometime love isn’t enough to overcome.
Why do children love parents who hurt them?
Children know only those who gave them life.

Why do we not help those who are needy?
Life is just to full to have time for compassion.
Why do many hide from life in drugs and alcohol.
Often we can’t cope with what life has to brings.

Why must this world often be such a dark place?
So many people have not come to know the light.
What or who is that light in this dark world?
You shall find the light in Our Lord Jesus!

Now, why don’t you give love and compassion?
Jesus gives His love to all who seek Him!
Wouldn’t our world be better if we seek Jesus?
No one will enter the kingdom of Heaven without Him.

Copyright @ M. Doris Fuller

Dedicated to all children and adults who have been abused.


Picture used to make the graphics are from a
Broderbund CD purchased by me. The artist is unknown.
The font used is QuillPerpendicularRegular.
The background musis is "Return To Innocence."

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