Our life is like a garden,
With paths that wander through-out.
Some are covered with beautiful roses,
But we must be careful of the thorns

We should chose each path carefully,
While relying on guidance from our Lord.
He will always show us the right ones,
Which are filled with goodness and love.

Our garden is also filled with sunshine,
To light our way down those many paths.
Beauty surrounds us in the garden of life,
Like trees, birds and other living creatures.

Sometimes our life may even be stormy,
But making it through these experiences
Can make us stronger and refreshes our life
Like when rain falls on the garden.

Enjoy your journey through the garden of life,
While basking in all the blessings it brings.
Give thanks to God for this beautiful gift,
And be a gardener spreading peace and love.

Copyright @ 2003 M. Doris Fuller

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