CAMERA ON: Misty and Zack's TV, where Boy Meets World is playing. We hear MISTY'S VOICE reciting every line quietly offscreen


"You think this is funny?" "No, Mistress Topanga,
I think it's the opposite of funny. I think it's… wood."
"Cory, we have to have a little talk." "Right after

The Show, honey." "There will be no Show."


We CUT TO the Bell Mansion. Caleb and Infinity are setting lawn chairs up on the front porch.


What about your dad?



… I don't think he cares. Fin, I swear to God,
this is better than anything you'll see on television.


Are you sure you don't want to go to a movie?


A movie? That's not real, that's the same as

television. Trust me, this is real. This is

my neighbourhood.


We cut to the DAWKINS HOUSE. Tommy steps out the front door, looking around paranoidly.


There he is, right on schedule.


We cut back to Caleb, who grins proudly


God I love this street.


CUT TO Tommy as he sneaks across the yard, pausing to hide behind a tree. He darts over to the Avery's living room window and shoutwhispers at it.




Cut INSIDE THE HOUSE. Zack and Misty sit on the couch, and yes, Misty is still speaking right along with the show.



"You have no idea what this is about
do you?" "Yes, I do! And it happens to be

a very important issue. Not just to me and you,

but to all men and women in relationships here

and abroad."


We can see Tommy's face in the window. He taps on the glass. Misty frowns and turns around. Tommy ducks out of sight. She turns back and Tommy starts gesturing at Zack to come outside. Misty turns to look again and looks Generally Annoyed.


Tommy, we're watch – we're busy!


Tommy continues to gesture. Zack sighs, gets up and walks offscreen.


I'll be back in time for Cheers.


CUT TO Tommy waiting at the front of the house when Zack walks out. Cale starts to narrate to Fin offscreen


Okay, the show's starting. Check it out.
See the guy with the huge eyebrows? That's

Zack. He's like the skeptic. He's basically grounded

in reality and he doesn't want to believe his

neighbours are up to something strange. You know,

'cause if they were he'd have to deal with it, right?


Zack starts to talk to Tommy. We can't make out what he's saying, but we can detect an Angry Tone in his voice.


See the jocky-guy? That's Tommy.  He thinks

the Martinezes are really evil and that they're

like, building a dungeon in their basement, so

he and Sangy decided to do a little snooping

around tonight. Should be good.


The two of them walk across the street to the Red house. Sangy walks out, carrying a night-vision thing. She does the 'shhh!' motion to them and nearly skips over to the sidewalk, holding up the night-vision scope and looking through it. Tommy takes it from her and looks through it too.



What's this?


(whispers to him)
Infrared scope. Snipers use it for night vision.


We see the Martinez house from Tommy's POV, through the scope, crosshairs centered on it.


What are we going to do with it?


Gonna go over there and get a look at those

barred-up basement windows.


Tommy starts to walk forward, still holding the scope up to his eye. Sangy and Zack both grab him by the shoulders and pull him back. They hide behind a tree.



I've been thinking about it and I don't think

we should go through with this.


What are you? A 'fraidy cat?



No I just think things have gone off the

deep end a little bit. Infrared night-vision

scopes? What are we going to do next, tap

their phone lines?


(looks at him)
Well that can be arranged.


Then we just have to burn a cross on

the front lawn –




A low, quiet kind of buzzing sound fills the air.


Do you hear that?


I thought it was just me.


It's like a low-frequency humming or





is that a transformer or something?



The eru-damn power company!


Where is it coming from?


(thinks for a few minutes. Eyes widen)
I know where it's coming from.


He looks at the Martinezes. The humming escalates into full-blown screeching, and all three werecreatures stand up, covering their ears. Suddenly a blinding white light flares up from the basement. The screeching grows louder still. Cale and Fin duck and cover their heads. Smoke pours from the chimney. Finally the light and sound winds down and fades, just as quickly as it started. Slowly Cale and Fin sit up.




We CUT BACK to Sangy, Tommy and Zack.


What the hell was that?!




Smells like they're cooking an erudamn cat

over there!



I'm gonna go find out exactly what is –


He starts to march forward. Sangy and Tommy both tackle him to the ground and all three of them land behind Sangy's garbage cans. They use them as a new hiding place and crouch there for a while.


The Martinezes' garage door opens, revealing a garage that is totally filled with clutter. Slowly the car rolls out and to the edge of the driveway, where it stops. We cut to the three.


(leans over and whispers to Zack)
No headlights.


Zack gives Sangy a 'WTF?!" look. Lightning and thunder crash once before we cut back.


The same scruffy kid we saw earlier goes around and opens the trunk of the car. He pulls a giant Hefty bag out of it and carries it over to the garbage cans. He stuffs it inside one of them. He goes back to retrieve a garden-hoe from the back of the car, and proceeds to pummel the crap out of the garbage bag with it. Then he slams the lid onto the can, gets into the car and drives it back into the garage.


We cut back to the other three.


I can see the news report now:
'They were a quiet family, kept pretty

much to themselves. No one ever would

have suspected them of foul play.'


It starts to rain, thunder crashing in the background.



… I've never seen that. I've never seen

anybody drive their garbage to the street

and then bang the hell out of it with a stick.


They stand up once they're sure the kid is back in the house. It rains harder.


I say we go over there and get a look at

those garbage cans.


Call me overly cautious, but don't you think

that's going to be a bit suspicious? The three

of us going through their garbage at eleven

o' clock at night? In a rainstorm?


Affirmative. That garbage is going nowhere.
I say we wait till first light. Scope me!


Sangy puts her hand out, Tommy hands her the infrared scope.


I'm outta here.


She walks off. The other two zip up their jackets and follow her. We cut to Caleb and Fin.


Rain delay. Bummer.


He starts carrying the lawn chairs back in. We CUT TO Tommy and Zack running across the street. They make it onto Zack's porch, both soaking wet. Tommy looks over at the Martinezes, then at Zack.


Zack, Zack what was that you were

saying the other day about uh…

half-cocked theories, I think?


Zack starts to walk inside. Tommy stops him, grinning a little alarmingly.


(leans over)
Sleep tight.


He walks off chuckling evilly. Zack looks half-annoyed, half-scared and walks inside. The camera pans over so we can see the Martinez house in the background. One of the lights in the upstairs window turns on, and we can see the silhouette of a man in it. More smoke from the chimney.


FADE TO: int. bedroom – about five minutes later


Zack looks out through the rain-streaked window. The camera moves to show what he's staring at – three hooded figures digging in the Martinezes backyard.