Misty sets a bowl of dog food down. Cerulean, Cauliflower and Merton all skid into the kitchen.


(scratches Cauliflower behind the ears)
What's this doggy-gram? This

just came for you. Might be

important. Here, save some for

your friends.


Funk walks past, face buried in a Gameboy. Misty looks up at her.



Hey, where's your dad?


(doesn't look up)
I think he's in the basement with



Misty walks over and knocks on the basement door.


(tries the doorknob – it's locked)
Zack! If you're doing something

dirty down there with Tommy,

I wanna watch!


CUT TO: Tommy and Zack. Zack is skimming through a book called, 'The Theory and Practice of Demonology', with an expression that reads "what the shit is this."



Tommy, you had a dream you were

gonna win the lottery, you blew $500

on tickets.


Oh, I can't believe you're bringing that up.



You had another dream your plane was

gonna crash. You took the bus to Las Vegas.


If I'd been on the plane, it would have crashed!

And it doesn't matter, this wasn't a dream! This

was a vision. I'm telling you, these people

are Satanists! As I sit here, they are Satanists! Look!

(picks up the book and flips through it)
The world is full of these kinda things! Look at

this! Black masses, mutilations – mutilations! The

incubus, the succubus! I'm telling you, the Greenleafs

were human sacrifices!


(rub his eyes)
Should have gone to the beach. Should have

listened to Misty.



(stands up, hitting his head on a hanging-light)
Listen to your wife?! Who listens to their wife?
Listen, you gotta listen to me, pal! You know what

the deal is? What we gotta do is we gotta go down to

the religious supply store. We gotta get ourselves a

couple of gallons of holy water. Merton's got a frequent

shoppers' card there, he can get us a deal!



I'm not going to listen to this.


No! Then we gotta go to the market! We gotta get –


I don't want to hear this!


- get ourselves a couple of those big sttrings, you know

how they string that garlic? A couple big strings of garlic!
We've gotta get ourselves some fresh lamb's blood –


(covers his ears, shuts his eyes and chants to himself)
I'm not going to listen to this, I'm not going to hear this now…


And then we gotta – Zack, do you want them to take

your family, kidnap 'em, tear their livers out and make

some kind of Satanic pate?


I'm not going to listen to this, I'm not going to hear this now…


… Zack? Zack, you're chanting. Zack. Look.
(takes the book, flips to a page and points at it)
Look, unconscious chanting. You're chanting!

(adopts Zack's chanty-tone)
'I wanna kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is

our pal.'


Tommy gently pulls Zack's hands from his ears. Zack stops and looks at him.


Zack. Zack, hey. Once they… get in here…

(points to Zack's head)
It's over, pal.