Jack Welch
"Do Things That Build People's
Self- Confidence.
It is All About Praising Others and Getting Excited About Their Victories."
      -Jack Welch
  By this leadership analysis of Jack Welch, you can see that it is possible to develop a profile of the leadership style a leader is likely to exhibit.  We can ascertain what the leader is like in general and, then, what kinds of information he is likely to be responsive to in the environment.  Thus, this general profile indicates where Jack fits in with leadership style.  With knowledge about the profile, the analyst gains a more complete portrait of the leader.  Jack Welch becomes not only a representative of a particular type of leader, but we know when and to what degree he had modulated his behavior to take the context into account.

     Welch believes that companies do not celebrate enough when their people win.  They get so caught up in the daily grind of work that they do not stop to enjoy what they have achieved.  (Wharton p. 2)
Servant Leadership Theory
Leadership Philosophies
Leadership Analysis
In Conclusion
Works Cited (web search #2)
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My Info:
This Web Page Was Created By Julie Whalen for MG 648 in the Masters of Management Program.
Julie Whalen