Jack Welch
    Jack Welch’s track record is the envy of every executive in the United States-and, for that matter, around the world, so we can do no better than to take a good look at the strategies and management insights of this enigmatic business leader.  It is worth keeping this in mind: The techniques and ideas that Welch has employed to move GE forward are applicable to any size corporation, small, medium, or large.
     So, let us pay attention to some of Welch’s business philosophies.  Undoubtedly, there is a great deal to learn from him.  What follows are the leadership lessons from the bibliography Jack Welch: The GE Way that Jack Welch, America’s most successful CEO, used to transform GE from a $25 billion company steeped in bureaucracy and tradition into a $90 billion corporate juggernaut…….Would Thomas Edison hardly recognize the place?

“Business Is Simple”

“What We Are Looking For…..are Leaders……who Can Energize, Excite, and Control Rather Than Enervate, Depress, and Control.”

“Face Reality, Then Act Decisively”

“The Only Way To Change People’s Minds Is With Consistency”

“Be Number 1 or Number 2, But Don’t Narrow Your Market”

“Getting Great Talent, Giving Them All the Support in the World, and Letting Them Run is the Whole Management Philosophy of GE”

“Don’t Focus On the Numbers”

“The Operative Assumption Today Is That Someone, Somewhere, Has a Better Idea”

“Every Layer Is a Bad Layer.  The World Is Moving at Such a Pace that Control Has Become a Limitation.  It Slows You Down.”

“Bureaucracy is Terrified By Speed and Hates Simplicity”

“You’ve Got to Balance Freedom with Some Control, But You’ve Got To Have More Freedom Than You’ve Ever Dreamed Of”

“You’ve Got to Be Passionate Lunatics About the Quality Issue”
"Constantly Refine Your Gene Pool..promote best performers and weed out the worst."
                                                             -Jack Welch
Servant Leadership Theory
Leadership Philosophies
Leadership Analysis
In Conclusion
Works Cited (web search #2)
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My Info:
Julie Whalen
This Web Page Was Created By Julie Whalen for MG 648 in the Masters of Management Program.