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Politically, Kerala is a small state in the south-west corner of the Asian Country of India. It lies watch over the Arabian sea to everything that comes into the Indian Ocean from the Gulf. The people of this state are of generally darker skinned Dravidian stock rather than of the Northern Indian fairer skinned Aryan stock. Malayalam is the Language of Kerala. The state capital is Trivandrum. There are three airports at Trivandrum, Calicut and Cochin

Kerala is a narrow stretch of lush green territory that lies on the southwest coast of the Indian subcontinent. Hindu legends claim that Kerala rose from the sea as a gift of God. The name Kerala means "the land of coconuts". The scenic beauty of Kerala is one of the most outstanding in India. The entire land is interlaced with rivers, placid lagoons, paddy fields and coconut palms. Plantations of rubber, tea, coffee, pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and other spices cover the highlands in the east, earning Kerala the nickname of "the spice coast of India".

The state enjoys the highest rates of Literacy in the country and enjoy a high standard of living. Many Malayalees as the people of the state are called have gone in search of job prospects to lands like the USA and the Gulf and in turn have made their state abreast  with the rest of the World.

The lure of spices attracted traders from the Middle East and Europe to the many trading ports - Calicut, Cranganore, Cochin, Alleppey and Quilon - long before the time of Christ. And it was on a trading vessel plying between Alexandria and the Malabar coast that St. Thomas the Apostle arrived in Cranganore in 52 AD.

Read the complete history of the Christians in Kerala but first read about the history of Kerala in general

Kerala Christian History

Kerala General History

The picture shows a typical Church setting in the tropical background of the state.

more photos>>


Did you know that the word Malayalam is a palindrome?. it can be read the same way from either the front or the back.

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