What could be more healthy for this world, than real Jedi?
This site is dedicated to the development and practice of real Jedi. Yes, the Force does exist and
yes it could help to bring peace to this world. In the movie Star Wars, Jedi were the guardians of
peace and justice in the galaxy. Now with the knowledge that these abilities really exist, Jedi are
the guardians for our world. At the moment the Jedi are small organizations scattered across the
internet, but someday they may be a great influence in the world we know.
Why Jedi?
For information on the sites updates, go to the Jedi News Page.
For questions about the Jedi, E-Mail me (Master Mi-Zhe Fu)
aim: mizhefu
Last updated: April 28, 2009
Star Wars and the Jedi are the property of Lucas Film Ltd. By no means do the owners of this site take credit for the creation of, or the distribution of the above information. Lucas film exclusively owns Star Wars, the Jedi, and all characters there of. Use of them in any profit making organization without their permission is illegal.
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