Just a forwarning, if you want to RP with Mia, then you DO NOT know her name, her family, etc.. until she tells you. Spelling is a plus, and netspeak will probably get you a blank look. Remember, "for" is not "4", and "are you" is not "RU". It drives me crazy!


    Name: Mia T'Starlight
    Species: Furre (feline)
    Age: Appears to be 19, although the look in her eyes seems ageless
    Usually found: Goldwyn
    Scars/Tattoos/Distinguishable Markings: Burn marks throughout her entire body ~ a jagged scar below her left eye that ends in a curl on her cheek ~ right eye permantly closed with a network of zigzagging scars over it ~ left eartip is missing ~ missing 2 paw digits on her right paw and 1 paw digit on her left paw
    Attire: Loose fitting red pants and shirt covered entirely by a white cape. White boots on her feet. There are also slave collars on her neck, her wrists, and her ankles. They cannot be removed due to any sort of magic or else it would kill her.

Combat Info:

    State of Mind: She's finally gone crazy. The innocent once-slave everyone knew appears to have been taken over by her darker half. After an attempt to kill herself and failing - she turned to Melinca and Jub Jub, trying to make them mad enough to kill her. She's still alive, though, and having swallowed her soul stone, a bit of her sanity is restored, but not by much.
    Abilities: Magic, great also with physical attacks
    Weapons: A dagger in her right boot as well as one strapped in a sheath about midway her thigh. Occasionally carries a bow & arrow, though it is rare and would be noted in her description if such was the case. The chain wrapped around her waist could also be used as a weapon if need be.
    Weaknesses: Her strength dies quickly with the more magic she uses
    Strengths: Physical attacks, Magic in small amounts

Magical Defenses:

    Aura Scan: 1 charge. Tell-tell sign: Mia's eyes glow a golden yellow. What it does? It will scan the aura of the furre she's focusing on. You can stop/block the scan, but RP it well.

    Flame Throw: 3 charges. Tell-tell sign: Mia's paws go up in front of her and an orange glow emits from them. What it does? Exactly as it sounds - a flame shoots from her paws towards the furre she's focusing on. It's blockable/stoppable/get out of the wayable.

There are more, but give me a chance to type them all first.


    Parents: Deceased
    Mate: None
    Siblings: 1 brother, deceased


[ Mia's Story ]

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