Aurora Mousery
LOVIN' HANDFULL! Seven little sweethearts. This litter gave us three Shorthairs, one Longhair, one Wavy coat & two Texels. A Texel is a Longhaired mouse with waves or curls. At this age, you can see the ones with waves, but until the long hair grows in, you can't tell which are Texels.
Hi, I'm "Boots". I'm a black, satin, longhaired Pied. I'm real tame now because mom started touching us just before our eyes opened & plays with all of us, at least twice a day. We have small water cups because water bottles don't fit our boxes.She plays with us when she changes our
water, in the morning & again, at night, when she feeds us & changes our water, again. We are all real happy here because we get a lot of love & mom keeps us clean & well cared for.
Hi, I'm "Dreamsickle". I'm a satin, champagne longhair & I look a lot like my mommy "Oops".  I like dried green split peas & lentils & mom also gives me buckwheat groats & sometimes dried spinach flakes in my feed. Yummy!
After all the goodies are gone, I have to eat what's left. Yuk! But she says it's all good for me. She puts dried garlic chips in my food, too, but we all like those, 'cause there's never any left over. Garlic is a natural anti-biotic, too & keeps us worm & pest free. Meet my sister, "Chantilly".
Hi, I'm "Chantilly" & I'm a satin, champagne texel & my mom thinks I'm just beautiful. I like dried pineapple & sometimes I get dried papaya, apple, cherries, blueberries, banana & raisins & sometimes I get fresh fruits & vegetables too, like bananas & cabbage.
Mom went looking thru my litter to get the banana out, before it spoiled & there wasn't any left in my box. Me & my sisters & brothers & my real mom, ate it all! Once in awhile, I find a piece of dandelion leaf or chickweed. She gives us some fancy organic grains too, like kamut, spelt & quinoa; stuff most mice never heard of! We also get a few small pieces of guinea pig pellets, broken up, for the alfalfa. Some mice won't eat alfalfa, but we do. And we get brewer's yeast pellets that she bought for the chickens & doves, but she breaks those into small pieces & mixes in our food. They give us a lot of "B" vitamins & you know what? We must be very special, 'cause we also get bee pollen granules & spirulina, & a small pinch of Dean's calcium, vitamin & mineral powder, which sticks to our food & we have to eat that with our food. Well, here's mom to tell you about how she cleans our boxes & exercise wheels.
Hi, I'm Patty. That's me on the left & my better half, Chris, on the right. I hope you liked meeting my country mice. No, they don't get chocolate chip cookies. Those are for us. The pictures aren't the best, but the mice sure are. I'm having a fun time with them & my husband likes watching them, too. I'm afraid of bleach for cleaning, so I use about 1/2 cup of Listerine or generic, in a quart spray bottle & fill it with water. I spray the plastic boxes & wipe with a napkin, then rinse.
I wipe dry with a napkin or soft paper towel. For the exercise wheels, I spray them & brush lightly with a small food brush, rinse & dry good with a napkin or paper towel. Then I oil the part that the wheel fits on with pure, food grade, liquid, vitamin E oil. If injested, it won't hurt.                                                 
Page Two
It's an all day job, for both of us, to get a series of photos & do the write-ups. Hope you enjoy what we've done this past year!
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