Co. "K" Letter

From Sgt. L.J. Taylor

"Hospital Near Jackson, MS, July 16, 1863

Friend Crane:

It becomes my painful duty to inform you of the death of your brave and noble boy Alphonso. He was my tent mate and chum in the camp and we were comrades in battle and in his death. I have lost a brother dear and true. Our Regiment was ordered to charge the Rebel works on Saturday the 11th and poor Phons was killed on the enemies works. He was the first man to mount the hill and cheer on the other boys, but a ball struck him in the head and he fell without a single murmur. I feel confident that Phons is now in heaven where there are neither wars nor rumors of wars. I never heard Phons swear or use any profane or vulgar language. He was indeed a model soldier. Brave almost to recklessness, never fault-finding however hard the duty. I have often talked with him on the subject of religion and I can assure you he had not forgotten the principles that his father taught him. We were obliged to fall back from the place where he fell so I could not get any thing he had about him. We have learned from the rebels that they buried him and Gilespie of our company together where they fell. As we are going to lay siege to Jackson it will not be possible to find the spot till some future day. He had about ($30.00) thirty dollars about him which the rebs took from him probably. His watch is in his knapsack and when they come up to us, I will send it by mail to you. I hope you will excuse this hasty note (and the looks of the paper as it is the best I have). As my head is aching from the wound I received which has delayed my writing before. Our loved country has lost one more of its noblest defenders in the death of your dear son and we a noble comrade. But our loss is his gain and there is one more bright jewel among the crowned and blest. You have lost a beloved brave and noble boy. But you have a reason to thank God that he died in a good cause where the true soldier preferred to fall. If you wish any further information about Alphonso direct to me. May God bless you and sustain you in your affliction shall ever be the prayer of your friend.

Sergeant L. J. Taylor
Co. K., 2nd Michigan Infantry
Vicksburg, Mississippi"

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Table of Abbreviations
Coy = Company AAE = Age at Enlistment
Rnk = Rank DLB = Date and Location of Birth
DLE = Date and Location of Enlistment DLD = Date and Location of Discharge
KIA = Killed in Action MIA = Missing in Action
POW = Prisoner of War DIP = Died in Prison
DOW = Died of Wounds DofD = Died of Disease
TLDD = Type, Location & Date of Death DOAI = Died of Accidental Injury
NOR = Not On Rosters I found

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