Updated April 25th 2000

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Counter Installed January 31st 1999.

Beside some of these Events you will see (N.E.M.D.). This is the North Eastern Military District. We are a loose alliance formed last year so that events in the Same area would not coincide with each other. This is meant to have Maximum participation at these events instead of cutting down the Strenght by 1/2.

Events List for 2000

Date: March 17th-19th
Location: Bentonville N.C.
Type: USV Event
Info: 135th Event on Actual Battle Field.
Dana to command Division.

Date: April 9th-11th
Location: Sailors Creek Va.
Type: USV Event
Info: 135th Event on Actual Battle Field.
Dana overall commander.

Date: April 17th
Location: Lowell Mass
Type: Memorial Service and More
Contact: Guy Lefebvre
Info: 135th Event of a Memorial Service.

Go to Page

Date: May 19th-21st
Location: New Market Va.
Type: USV Event
Info: On Actual Battle Field (Under New Management).
Dana overall commander.


Location: Windsor N.Y.
Type: Local Event
Unit: 137th NY Volunteers
Contact: Brian Swartz
Info: 4th Annual Event.
No Preregistration Fee 1$ at arrival (Children under 12 FREE).

Go To Page

Date: June 3rd-4th
Location: Near Clemson, South Carolina
Type: Confederate Veterans Reunion Memorial Reenactment
Unit: Unknown

Info: Click Here for info.

Date: June 9th-11th
Location: Harrisburg Pa.
Type: Grand Review and USV Event
Info: 135th Event held within the city.
Dana USV commander.(Truly mega event)

Date: June 24th-25th
Location: Napanee, Ontario Canada
Type: Civil War Event
Spomsor: Napanee Millenium Committee
Contact: Frank Fox
E-Mail: foxnlamb@hotmail.com
Info: Event in Canada.

"There is no fee, but I must have
registrations in hand by 15 May in
order to arrange Meals, Firewood,
Hay, etc. which are all being provided by
the Town Of Greater Napanee.

Date: July 1st-3rd
Location: Gettysburg Pa.
Type: USV Event
Info: New Locaion (Black Horse Tavern Site).
Dana to command USV .

Date: August 12th-14th
Location: Westfield Heritage Center (Rockton, Ontario Canada)
Type: Civil War Event
Contact: See Below
E-Mail: canavans@sprint.ca
Info: Great Event in Canada.

Go To Their Page and Info

Date: August 19th-20th, 2000
Location: Newboro, Ontario (N.E.M.D.)
Type: Civil War Event
Unit: 2nd Mich. Vol. Inf. Company "E"
Contact: Andrew Phillips
E-Mail: andrewphillips@sprint.ca
Other Info: Pre-register to Heather Gauthier. $ 7 per participant by May 31
10$ after that date which includes 5 excellent meals

Date: September 22nd-24th
Location: Somewhere Va.
Type: USV Event Battle of Chancelersville
Info: Mega Event.
Dana overall commander.

Date: October 17th-19th
Location: Cedar Creek Va.
Info: Event on Actual Battle Field.
Dana overall commander.

Date: November 18th
Location: Gettysburg Pa.
Type: Rememberance Day USV Event
Info: Parade.

Plus whatever comes along in the meantime and those few free weekends we have.

2nd Michigan Head Quarters |

Please feel free to copy the dates and information of events anywhere you wish including your web page. We would love to see and meet you at these events.

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