Hershel D. Cude


Cude, Hershel, D. Panel 02W-Line A on the wall honoring our Vietnam war dead.

You were an American Ranger, LRRP, KIA, no more need be said.

You wore with honor the black beret and scroll.

You now rest among our brothers on the Washington knoll.


You were short in build but a real dynamo,

You taught the new guys what they needed to know.

They were the little things that would help them survive,

You taught them well, most came home alive.


You had a premonition that you wouldn’t make it home,

We have all had these thoughts at night in the darkness, all alone.

Yours came true as you became a casualty of an unpopular war,

Your parents’ hopes and drams for you faded with a knock at the door.


Helen, Diana and Connie, they miss you so much,

Your hamster, pranks, impish grin and such.

Your nephews and nieces know of their uncle so brave,

They know of your love of your country, and fellow Rangers and why your life you gave.


Cude, your family remembers and love you, you are not alone.

Honored by a nation in that Black Marbled Stone.

We weren’t very close but I remember you well,

When we served in the “Nam”, served in “hell”.