Never Again


Whether right nor wrong, our country’s again at war.

We had hoped after Vietnam there would be no more.

Our generals, like our troops, are the best to be found,

Fighting for each alley, street, every inch of ground.


Bureaucrats in charge try to do their part,

Buy they haven’t the expertise nor a soldier’s heart.

It’s hard to be victorious when lines haven’t been drawn.

Like in the Nam, we’re caught in the middle, again the pawn.


Each day the number of coalition deaths grow,

Insurgents and I.E.D.’s have taken their toll.

Politicians make promises, but mostly talk,

Most haven’t served or “Walked the Walk”.


Our men an women so brave, I’m proud of the all.

Like so many before, they answered the call.

May our war soon be over, may our troops come home.

May we remember the Nam, may no returning vet feel alone.


Michael D. Monfrooe USA Ret


For all those who “remember”.