My Hero, My Friend
Don Rudolf
Fort Jackson, South Carolina
1966 - 1967
People join up for whatever reasons that be,
For adventure, boredom or the world to see.
The draft made it easy, you had to go,
A grunt, truck driver or cook, you didn't know.

Everyone has a hero they want to emulate.
I wanted to serve like him, it was my fate.
He loved our country and the freedoms we enjoyed,
He chose to serve when others fought to avoid.

He was a natural leader, chosen to train others.
He trained them for war, to survive as if brothers.
Over time he learned that some would not return home.
Knowing him as I do, I'm sure he felt alone.

He was my mentor, a friend, a man to look up to,
Men like him are rare, too damn few.
Because of him I answered the call,
I respect this man, my brother-in-law.

                                             By Michael D. Monfrooe

                 Dedicated to Cpl Donald V. Rudolf