War of Tears


Wars were once valiant, enemies met on the battle field,

Both sides courageous, vowing never to yield.

Marching off to war as a hometown band played loud.

Fighting for a cherished flag, wearing a uniform so proud.


Our war, like all others to wage I’m afraid, could not be won..

A “Peace”, if any, decided no between leaders but by the gun.

No longer fought between soldiers being brave,

The very old, the children, all between, will fill a grave.


Our soldiers fight because they are told,

Our enemies fight for their beliefs, hundreds of years old.

No longer aiming thru a scope into the enemies eyes,

Bombs detonated from afar, shrapnel ablaze like the stars in the skies.


Who is to say in war, who is right or wrong?

The victor in battle is not always the strong.

Politicians mean well, or so they want you to know,

Most haven’t served nor will their children go.


Endless are the reasons whence wars are born.

Endless are the tears we shed for those we mourn.


Michael D. Monfrooe USA Ret

29 September 2007