Warrior Games


As a child I listened to the stories about the war.

They were adventurous, exciting, left me wanting more.

To me this person was ten feet tall.

When America was in need, they answered the call.


I was taught to honor the flag, forever to wave.

To honor those that have fought and the sacrifices they gave.

Recalling friends and far off places mean a lot.

Memories of serving should not be forgot.


Wounds, illness and time have taken their tool.

I am in awe at the power of the soul.

Health, both physical and mental, have diminished over the years.

Their fortitude, strength and spirit now persevere.


These games give new reason for the vets to feel pride.

Once again to compete with another by their side.

Countless hours of training each vet has endured.

Perhaps during this brief respite they have been cured.


Once warriors in battle, never to taste defeat.

Decades have passed, old and new friends to meet.

After the games we will all return home.

Return as a family,no one ot be left alone.


Michael Monfrooe

June 9, 2004


For all those taking part in Veteran Special Olympics.