Union Chapel Cemetery
Wayne County, Michigan
27042 Michigan Avenue
Inkster, MI 48141
Union Chapel Cemetery, is located in Inkster, Michigan. It sits back off Michigan Avenue, and is not visable unless you are looking back into the tract. This used to be a portion of Old Dearborn Township. It is nestled between TEC Furniture Store and The Cash Connection. There is no sexton's office located on the property, and it appears to be a "closed" cemetery. It sits on 1.85 acres of land and was established in 1833. The original land owner here was Wightman family. It was referred to originally as just "the burial ground." However, the name, Union Cemetery appears to have been added from the consolidation of two churches in the area, a Methodist and an Eposcopal church, because of their consolidation, was named Union Church. An early pioneer of the area, William Clay (died October 10, 1853) is buried here. The most prominent names are Harrison, Trowbridge, Cogswell, Hicks, Walker, and Randall
121 Gravesites have been transcribed by Linda Ball. If you have family or friends buried in Union Chapel Cemetery and wish to have them added here, please contact meLinda Ball and I will be happy to add them. Please indicate Union Chapel Cemetery in your subject line. Thank you !
AKANS, Hiram G. died October 19, 1877 "aged 59yrs 6mths"
AKANS, Mary "wife of Hiram Akans" died December 12, 1892 "aged 66yrs 23dys"
AINSWORTH, Edward | contact: Lawrence W. Ainsworth
ALBRICH, Thomas "In memory of" died September 30, 1840
BAKER, Elizabeth "wife of Geo. Baker" died June 17, 1873 "aged 39 yrs 2 mths"
BAKER, George W. died June 1, 1851 "aged 27yrs 8mths"
BILLS, Florence I. 1908 - 1973
BILLS, Rev Hosea M. 1884 - 1963
BILLS, Agnes M. 1884 - 1967
BUTLER, Sarah E. "wife of S. Butler" died September 23, 1878 "aged 40yrs 3 mths 22dys"
BILES, Julia "wife of Alvah Biles" died March 3, 1895
COYKENDALL, Emily A. 1856 - 1941
COYKENDALL, Hiram D. 1847 - 1929
COYKENDALL, Lucille M born April 30, 1894 died October 12, 1977
COYKENDALL, Nellie B. born June 25, 1881 died November 20, 1962
CLAY, Lillian died ? 10, 1852 "aged 57 yrs"
CLAY, "son of George" died May 22, 1848 "age 11 yrs 11 dys
CAMPBELL, John "68 yrs" *rest unreadable*
CAMPBELL, Mary "wife" *rest is unreadable*
FREEMAN, Carrie Jane "daughter of W & C.E. Freeman" died September 23, 1870
GRAVES>, Elmira | Contact: Lawrence W. Ainsworth
HARRISON, Edmond died September 25, 1863 "aged 31 yrs"
HARRISON, Charles "served U.S. War of 1812 from Nov 1, 1814 to Nov 30, 1815" born 1799 died 1887
HARRISON, David 1819 - 1912
HARRISON, Emily 1824 - 1917
HARRISON, Blanchard 1846 - 1875
HARRISON, George W. "son of M. & H." died December 29, 1858 "aged 24yrs 9mths 18dys"
HARRISON, Harry 1821 - 1896
HARRISON, Sarah 1825 - 1900
HARRISON, Lucy A. "wife of M. Harrison" died January 26, 1892 "aged 57 yrs 10mths"
HARRISON, George W. died December 26, 1860 "aged 11mths 29dys" "son of M. & A.A. Harrison"
HARRISON, Marenus died January 12, 1892 "aged 66yrs 3mths 7dys"
HARRISON, Augusta A. "wife of Marenus" died June 16, 1881 "aged 46yrs 6mths 6dys
HARRISON, Seymour D. died September 18, 1868 "age 2wks 2days "son of M.& A.A. Harrison"
HARRISON, Marrenus "PVT Ohio Militia War of 1812" died March 29, 1849 "aged 53yrs"
HARRISON, Hannah "wife of Marrenus" died February 10, 1869 "aged 71yrs 6mths"
HALL, Sarah Ann died June 29, 1832 "aged 2yrs 5mths 17dys
HILL, F. *nothing more*
HIGGS, Alma J. "wife of M. Higgs" died September , 1879 "aged 28yrs 6mths 2dys"
HICKS, Rhoda C. born August 27, 1857 died October 11, 1936
HICKS, Aaron died September 22, 1869
HOLDAN *no given name* died unreadable 17, 1871
HARRIS, Harry 1821 - 1896
HARRIS, Sarah 1825 - 1900
JACKSON, Annie 1880 - 1953
JACKSON, General J. 1873 - 1962
JACQUES, John M. died December 5, 1853 "aged 52yrs 10mths"
JACQUES, Harriett died March 12, 1898 "aged 91 yrs"
JACQUES, George M. born May 9, 1831 died November 9, 1917
JACQUES, Julia D. born June 13, 1838 died April 7, 1916
JACQUES, Edward C. "son of Geo. & Julia Jacques" died May 18, 1892
JACQUES, Clara died May 11, 1877 "age 11mths"
JACQUES, Mark H. "son of G.M. & J. Jacques" died April 20, 1862
KATOR, Alfd. "Co C. Mich Cav" *nothing more*
LYONS, Susan born 1812 died 1898
LATHERS, Herbert R. 1891 - 1967
LATHERS, David W. 1856 - 1893
LATHERS, Mary Jane 1859 - 1943
McNUTT, John died April 27, 1866 "aged 24yrs 6mths"
McNUTT, Thomas 1815 - 1892
McNUTT, Charles 1853 - 1891
McNUTT, William 1860 - 1929
McNUTT, Isabella 1866 - 1895
McNUTT, Samuel 1854 - 1925
McNUTT, Rachel 1861 - 1924
McDANIELS, Cynthia "wife of Levi McDaniels" died August 27, 1848 "aged 45 yrs 5mths 23dys" "erected by daughter Cynthia 1850"
MOORE, James died Sept 6, 1873 aged 73yrs | Moore family contact: Kris Sandefur
MOORE, Alice died Aug 8, 1987 aged 71yr 3 mths 9 dys "wife of James" (mother of Nancy & Mariah Marsh, second husband is John Moore)
MOORE, George died Aug 8, 1886 aged 35yrs 7 mths 11 dys
MOORE, George born Apr 10, 1842 died Oct 18, 1898
MURLEY, Jerry "TEC 5 US Army World War II" born September 21, 1922 died December 16, 1988
MURLEY, Donaldleen L. "Skooks" "wife of Jerry Murley mother of "Jerry W. Murley" born July 31, 1926 died July 15, 1992
MURLEY, Jerry W. "beloved husband and father" 1944 - 1972
MURLEY, Elmer J. "Tennessee PFC Co D 2MG BN 1 Division World War I" born February 10, 1895 died August 17, 1971
Family Contact: Martha Rogers
MYHRS, Fillmore John 1877 - 1966
MYHRS, Martha Frances 1880 - 1973
MYHRS, Nelson 1905 - 1916
MYHRS, John Albert 1907 - 1915
ORR, Phyllis Myhrs 1904 - 1960 daughter of F.J Myrhs & Martha F.
OSTERHOUT, Barton died January 21, 1887 "aged 32yrs 1mth 24dys"
PHIPPS, Charles E. 1882 - 1945
PHIPPS, Laura M. 1886 - 1981
PHIPPS, David R. 1917 - 1971
PHIPPS, "mother at rest" *no other information*
PHIPPS, Doris M. 1920 - *blank*
PRIEST, Brian died February 8, 1851
PUTE , *rest is unreadable*
RUFF, Henry 1861 - 1949
RUFF, Lydia 1871 - 1953
RUFF, Ethel M. 1895 - 1958
RUFF, Jay 1862 - 1940
RUFF, Etta 1867 - 1919
RUFF, Abigail died September 1, 1910 "aged 80yrs"
RUFF, Ames born June 7, 1825 died March 10, 1910
RUFF, Nellie "daughter of J. & A. Ruff died August 27, 1876
RUFF, Edgar J. "son of J.&A. Ruff" died July 19, 1862
RANDALL, Esther L. *no other information*
RANDALL, David died February 20, 1947
RANDALL, Cyrus died December 12, 1856 "aged 56yrs"
ROBERTS, W.P. died November 9, 1853 "aged 44ys 18dys"
ROBERTS, Thomas Byron "son of W.P. & A. Roberts" died February 17, 1854
STEIHAUER, Henry 1871 - 1956
STEIHAUER, Daisy "mother" 1903 - 1924
STEIHAUER, Ida 1874 - 1962
SHELDON, Hulbah "wife of Elias Sheldon" died May 18, 1838
STALEY, Danny 1933 KY - 1953 MI
STALEY, Corp Glen M. "33 Div 130 Inf" 1920 WV 1945 Luzon
STALEY, Antha "mother" 1897 - 1966
STALEY, Charles S. "father" 1893 - 1977
STALEY, Howard L. 1927 KY 1995 MI
STALEY, James D. 1935 - 1965
STALEY, Daniel J. 1959 - 1965
TROWBRIDGE, Charles J. "son of D. & F. Trowbridge" died January 31, 1865 "age 21mths 21 dys"
TROWBRIDGE, ?a?gel E. "age 72yrs"
TROWBRIDGE, Fanny "aged 53yrs"
TROWBRIDGE, Frank 1871 - 1951
TROWBRIDGE, Ann "mother" 1846 - 1938
TROWBRIDGE, Warren "father" 1843 - 1930
Van ALSTINE, Charles H. died July 27, 1868 "aged 6mths"
Van ALSTINE, Walter R. died September 4, 1874 "aged 3 weeks"
Van ALSTINE, John E. 1857 - 1918
Van ALSTINE, Frances died September 4, 1877
Van ALSTINE, Frances 1870 - 1956
Van ALSTINE, Fred 1863 - 1925
WALKER, Mary Jane died January 6, 1866 "daughter of A.T. & Mary Walker" "aged 9yrs" | contact: H Telehowski
WOOLLEY, Carrie L. "daughter of Wm & Cahterine Woolley" died March 28, 188? *stone worn*
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