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Showing 101
How to “show” your Jersey Wooly

Judging takes place on a table with individual boxes to place each rabbit in. The Judges evaluate each rabbit before making their decisions. If your rabbit is chosen as best of variety then it is kept up at the table or behind the table to be judged against the other “bests” in that variety.  Senior buck & Doe, Jr. Buck & Doe all compete for “Best of Group.”  If yours is chosen for “Best of Group”, or “Best Opposite Sex of Group”, it them goes on to compete for “Best of Breed.” From there, each Best of Breed goes on to compete for the “Best of Show.”

Note: Most boxes at shows are open and not covered, which allow the rabbit to escape.  You should stay near and keep an eye on your rabbit to make sure it stays in its box.

Jersey's are shown in the following "groups" in the order listed, beginning with Senior Bucks, then the Senior Does followed with the Jr. Bucks and then the Jr. Does.  Each group is completed before moving on to the next group. 
In each of the groups, all varieties within the group compete together
and are not divided into individual varieties.

Example: Senior Agouti Bucks, followed by Senior Agouti Does, then Jr. Agouti Bucks and last Jr. Agouti does.) then on to the next "group"

Agouti - Chestnut, Chinchilla, Opal, and Squirrel

AOV- (All other varieties) - Pointed Whites (Black or Blue)

Broken - All varieties in broken that are accepted in their respective groups.

Self- Black, Blue, Blue Eyed Whites (BEW), Chocolate, Lilac, and Ruby Eyed Whites (REW)

Shaded - Blue Tort, Black Tort, Sable Point, Seal, Siamese Sable, Smoked Pearl

Tan Pattern - Black Otter, Blue Otter, Silver Martins (Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac), Sable Martin, and Smoked Pearl Martin