†Sins of A Vampire†


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My latest adventure was seducing the best friend of one of my coven members. He was to be off limits to me, but the desire to sneak & attack him overruled any rational thoughts of coven loyalty. Besides, he was just too damn sexy to go to waste. I haven't revealed my devilish deed to the others. Cat was the only one to know. She loved hearing about my escapades. Max was not a member of our coven by was however a vampire as well. He thoroughly enjoyed or endeavors together and they lasted for awhile. I suppose until we grew tired of one another, like we always do. But that's my rule of thumb anymore, have fun & screw what they all think. No one knows what its like to be me, but can enjoy the hell out of themselves by judging me. Little do they know I realize that its only jealousy. They would condemn me, all the while wanting desparately to live like me. They were even too judgemental to even live vicariously through my adventures. What a shame to be them.

I brought home a mortal tonight. We screwed until dawn & now he is sleeping in my bed. I don't know quite what to do with him. He was just darlin' in bed, and I might want to see him again. But I can't tell him my dirty little secret, not yet. I don't trust him, hell I don't even know him. But I did enjoy him. Maybe I'll spare him only to satisfy my demonic lust yet another night.

It was a cool spring night. Dew was settling on the ground & memories of Christopher flooded my head. He was a vampire companion I had met & we became close friends. He was a later generation blood & it made him quite different, but interesting nonetheless. He was wild & uncontrollable...his chemistry mixed perfectly with mine. We made a good team once upon a time. He disappeared shortly after taking up with another from his own generation. I respected him for that & thought highly of her. But over the years I began to see less & less of him. Until I realized, I would never see him again. I missed him, but life without him would be a fair trade if he was truly happy.

For most of my vampyric life, I loathed mortals, mostly men. They sickened me, for most of them cared not for anything, other than themselves. I never met more disgusting souls than men. At least in my life, they serve a purpose. But mostly they only irritated me. As far as I was concerned women had the most power. They held more power than any. They had the powers of persuasion, seduction, manipulation, and ultimately elimination. Men on the other hand wasted their time foolishly, acted selfishly and spoil themselves lavishly. They mark their success in life by cheap flings, conquering mindless tasks like it was the world. And they think we are drama queens? I never shit my pants with excitement over a 15 point buck, or the biggest fish, or the winning touchdown in two overtimes. Let's face it..we all serve a purpose in life, but some were chosen to do much more than just exist. And I am one of the chosen ones. I have much more to learn, knowledge to gain, and places to see. I have many more lives to experience before my time is over. And my point is this, some in life just live it, and do not savor it. They define their life by what they have...not what they have to offer. I have so much to offer. Worlds within worlds and no one can get close enough to know it. They never will.

Rand was my very best friend as well as lover. We had numerous affairs but managed a strong bond & relationship over the years. Even if we weren't together we were close. From no where a thought of Rand passed through my mind. It washed a smile across my face because I could not remember the last time I had thought of him nor the last time we had spoken. I released a heavy sigh as my heart ached slightly. He was so handsome and sexy, captured in his prime of youth. His lanky pale frame...I remember every line and the way his light brown hair spilled onto his shoulders. The very first night we met, he stole my heart. I don't think he knew it, nor did I want to confess my true feelings to him. We shared the most intense passion that I as a vampire had ever felt with another of my kind. I felt absolutely vibrant & so alive while in his company. I truly felt & still do, that we are soul-mates. No one has ever affected me or my life in such a way. It always comes back to Rand, and we never seem to solve the reason why. I know he is looking for me, I have felt it for quite sometime. He wants to see me, talk to me.

Our relationship remained solid throughout the years...it did not, however, go without its rough spots. Rand had a very bad nature to disappear on me, frequently. We would be in a near state of bliss and then he would be gone, only to send a note a few months after stating his whereabouts. I had grown tired of his games and my heart was weary of it as well. I was forced into thinking I wasn't his perfect choice, therefore I would happily settle for his friendship...but not often did I receive that either. But I always knew within my soul we would cross pathes again. And I feel we are about to. *S*

It was nightfall in Paris as a chill was in the air. It was late in the winter months, and I had escaped to Paris to collect myself. Becoming distracted, I was losing what seemed to be my sanity at some moments. I had discussed my feelings with Davidson. He said he knew situations like this that had arisen in his past. Soul seekers, demons, devils or perhaps Mephistopheles, himself. He told me sometimes these dark & fallen angels run rampid in the shadows of our minds & dreams. He told me, I needed to confront it somehow...see what exactly it wants.

I pondered his words repeatedly in my head on my walk back to the hotel. The brisk air tugged at me like cold withering hands. I gathered my cloak tightly around my frail frame. Glancing forward I could see tiny flakes of snow flurrying about. It was so peaceful, walking over the bridge, I turned to take in the breathless beauty of the Eiffel Tower. How I loved Paris, so. It was my true home.


Once inside my room I drew a hot relaxing bath to warm my cold bones. Lying there, my thoughts escaped briefly allowing a dream sequence to begin. He sat on a throne before me, his face conveniently hidden by shadows. He never spoke a word aloud. Though his intentions appeared cloudy in my mind, his eyes spoke another language all their own. Enchanted by his penetrating eyes, I knelt, never taking my eyes from his. I slid my razor-like nails across my wrist, blood-letting, asking him to drink. Violently he grabbed me, shouting madly how he was astonished I did not recognize him! I pleaded that he was frightening me. He exclaimed how proud of that fact he was, his eyes ablaze.


My heart beat ferociously from fear & excitement both. He opened his hand from my bloodied wrist, waving two fingers over it, the cut was magically gone, faster than I could heal it. My fear intensified, for I felt I had met Mephisto, or the Dark Angel of Death. I shook beneath his grip. He pulled me in for a kiss, whispering I would be his, someday. The time will come he said, gently tugging at my lips. Suddenly he bit my lip, causing me to whince in pain. Awakened abruptly and realizing I had been dreaming again, I slightly confused. I touched my mouth, reccollecting. It wasn't long before I noticed the blood dripping, that my lip had actually been bitten! My breath became unstable as a fear grew within me. Glancing towards the floor, I witnessed a vague trail of blood leading from my bath tub to the bedroom. I arose, wrapping in a towel, then followed the trail. It led to the hotel window then disappeared. I was 15 floors above the ground. Flopping into a chair, I lit up a cigarette and took a long much needed draw. Exhaling it at a forced rate, broke the silence. I realized I was at his will during those moments. He loved preying on me in my dreams. He could do things & influence me, without me actually knowing.

So these encounters continue. The whispered words of remembrance he speaks to me. I will remember he says. A time long ago, before even my mortal life began. This soul had walked the earth even before my mere mortal conception. He said he had spent it waiting for me. Searching over oceans of time to find me. And that soon I would remember how our souls were forever connected.

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