Holiday World

The world's first theme park, Holiday World and Splashin' Safari is located in Santa Claus Indiana located right next to Lake Rudolf.  One of the many perks of Holiday World is no price for drinks.  They also do not charge for the water park which is also very nice.  Holiday World gains it's notoriety however for it's two Custom Coasters International roller coasters: Raven and Legend.



Santa Claus greets guests entering the park.



Holiday World is separated in three holidays: 4th of July...






and Halloween.



Wrestling star Mick Foley was on hand for Stark Raven Mad.



The Raven roller coaster is located in the Halloween area and the first drop is right alongside the parking lot.  Built by Custom Coasters in 1995, it is 2,800 feet long, goes up 70 feet, and dives 86 feet into a tunnel.  



The creepy looking Victorian style station.



Zipping out the back of the tunnel.



One of the best features of the Raven is it's turn over Lake Rudolf which you can feel some lateral g's.



This is the last big drop on Raven.  This also the point where you enter the heavy forest area.



Everything after the last big drop is pretty small so you get a lot of airtime, laterals, and speed in this area through the trees.



A nice swooping curve near the end of the coarse.



Legend is also located in the Halloween area, and it's theme is that your running away from the headless horseman.  Built by Custom Coasters in 2000,  it is 4,042 feet long, 116 feet high and a 113 foot drop.  At the end of the first drop you head into a the first of 4 tunnels.



During Stark Raven Mad you get ERT on the Legend and Raven at their best time; at night.  Here's a night photo of the first drop of the Legend.



After the second drop, you go into the turnaround section.  During the day it seems to go slower at the top of this hill, but at night it gets really intense.



This is the second tunnel of the Legend and provides plenty of laterals through and after this area. 



Going through the double helix portion of the ride you experience the last two tunnels and a lot of lateral g's pushing you to the side of the car.



A shot of the double helix.



Another picture of the helix and both of its tunnels.  



Notice the pretty purple PTC trains.  Very Sharp.



Here's another view of the turnaround.



Frightful Falls drops right through the structure of the Legend.



Banshee rotates 360 degrees just like the similar model at Indiana Beach.  This got removed in 2003 to give room for Hallowswings.




The Scarecrow Scrambler is your average Eli scrambler which spins you around pinning you to the side.



Hallowswings is one of the better swing rides out there and is magnificent at night.



In the 4th of July section, Paul Revere's Midnight Ride drops you and and pulls you back up while also spinning around.



Liberty Launch gives a bunch of airtime twice and has a launch like you could not believe.  It is very similar to Double Shot at IB but it is newer so it is as good as when Double Shot first opened.



Plain and simple, the Roundhouse is a "spin and puke" ride it's main purpose is to spin you around, and if you ride it enough times, you'll probably puke.



Eagle's Flight is a family ride which you spin around in different eagles and move their heads to move around a little bit.



If you ever have the time to break from the roller coasters, come to Splashin' Safari. 



In 2002 they added the 102 foot tall wood structured Zoombabwe.  It seems like forever to climb the huge stairs but it is a waterslide experience that you will not soon forget.  The black slides are Ottorongo which you can choose from three different journeys. 



This is the new, 90 foot, Zinga waterslide.  It launches riders into a giant funnel which they go back in forth like a half pipe.  It is by far the greatest thrill I have experienced on a water slide



Once you come closer, you really notice how tall this thing is and how insanely steep the drop into the funnel is. 



It gets pretty intense going down the main drop and going up into a monstrous funnel at the bottom.



The Wave sends machine made waves barreling down through a pool of people.



For the younger kids, Splashin' Safari built Monsoon Lagoon.  It has five slides, a play area, and a giant tub on top that spills water on all those below.



This is Amazoom and Bamboo Chute,  Amazoom is the enclosed slide and Bamboo Chute is the white open slide.



The Watubee is a smaller open version of Zoombabwe.



For all the children, there is Holidog's kiddy land.  There is plenty of slides, a roller coaster, play areas, and jumping fountains.



The Howler was built by Zamperla in 1990,  it has a 12 foot drop and is 300 feet long.



If you are taller, be aware that it is a pretty rough ride.  My ribs hurt for a good 15 minutes after riding.



Good night from Holiday World.