Desert Spiny Lizard
Scientific Name: Sceloporus magister uniformis
Distribution: Southwest U.S.A.
Size: 7" - 12"
Natural Habitat:
This spiny lizard occupies rocky areas of the semi-
desert habitats in the Southwestern United States. Adults
require a 30 gallon enclosure when kept in captivity.
Most will become tame with regular handling.
Docile and friendly, easy to handle.
Captive Eviornment:
Use full spectrum lighting 12-14 hours per day.
Provide a basking area with access to a cooler zone.
Provide rocky basking areas, likes crevices and caves.
Day temperature should be gradient from 80-95 degrees F.
Maintain night temperature range between 70-75 degrees F.
Use reptile heating pads under tank for 24-hour heat.
This species requires only low levels of humidity.
Water Requirements:
Use only a small water bowl for drinking.
Mist once per week.
Nutitional Requirements:
This carnivore (meat eater) will readily accept insects and
arthropods in diet. Offer variety for proper nutrition.
Eats variety of larger worms (earthworms, meal/wax worms).
Dust food with calcium and vitamins.
Desert Spiny Tail