Link to a RDNA Homepage

The Hill of Three Oaks, where many of the first services were held at Carleton The two Fortieth RDNA Anniversaries
Information Page

Updated on May 20th, 2003

May Reunion is over and was a great success!
and the June Reunion's final update May 20th, corrected sheets available at registration desk.

  • Where & What?
    Student going to class at Carleton, 1970s Reformed Druidism began back in late April 1963 at Carleton College Campus in Northfield, Minnesota as a protest against mandatory attendance at religious services. Students decided to design and start their own religion and attended their own services with gusto. The requirement was soon dropped, and we naturally took credit. After that, people felt that Druidism was a good complement to thier own spirituality, and it has continued ever since then. Every ten years, we hold an anniversary reunion, and you're invited to come and join us. Perhaps 2000 members have participatd in the RDNA in the past, about 70% being Alumni of the Carleton Grove. Most RDNA members also interacted with either the Sci-Fi Club, Folk Dance Society, Drama clubs or the SCA: Society for Creative Anachronism (Medieval enthusiasts).

    Interestingly, some actually took it rather seriously. In fact, several other major Druid movements can trace their origins distantly back to a few members from the RDNA, including: Ar nDraiocht Fein (ADF), Henge of Keltria; and some smaller groups, such as the Order of Mithril Star and Reformed Druidic Wicca.

    And yet, the friendly RDNA at Carleton continues to pursue a search for awareness in a playful manner, quietly protesting dogmatic religion, exploring religious truth through observation of nature's cycles and examining the world's differnt faiths and belief systems.

    Aerial view of Carleton, 1960s
    Aerial view of Carleton, 1990s

    Sunset from the Arboretum

  • Why?
    It's been 40 years, and why not?

  • Cost?
    The May and June Reunions are free, of course, silly; no registration fees for the events themselves. At the main ceremony on Saturday at both events, the policy is BYOBFMI (Bring Your Own Booze, Food & Musical Instruments) That way it doesn't matter if only 2 or 200 people show up. Bring enough for yourself and something to share with a few others.

    Bring any ribbons or robes (i.e. bedsheets), if you wish, but plain clothes are fine and acceptable. Wear some flowers, so we can spot you. Bring any readings, poems or stories you'd like to read.

    Lodging issues are addressed further down on this page. I highly recommend that the people who attend the May Reunion book a hotel reservation early. Naturally, those attending the June Reunion should book early with the Alumni Affairs office to reserve a dormitory room & meal plan (which is FAR FAR cheaper & convenient than hotels & resturants!) at with Alumni Office.

  • Who's invited?
    Anyone who's attended an RDNA/NRDNA service in the last 40 years, or whoever wanted to attended, or who was just friendly to us or our ideas. This includes any of the "groves" in the world. Those people may bring their families and friends and animal companions (check rules of lodging facilities for pets & assistance animals).

    The members of ADF, Henge of Keltra, Order of the White Oak and all our other offshoot organizations are also welcome, of course. It's a family reunion. And yes, you odd-ball Druids out there are welcome to come along, too.

    Please Help with Invitations!

    I hate chain letter pyramids, but if you have contacts with other RDNA members or interested Druids/Scholars, please feel free to refer them to this page. Some overlap can be expected, but I'll be especially having difficulty reaching the past 1st & 2nd Orders from Carleton, and people from other RDNA Groves who weren't from Carleton.

    Go through those old yearbooks, diaries and alumni phonebooks by year, and share the news with a few others.

    If you'd like to post an ad in a magazine or newsletter, that would be fine also. Contact for more information on assisting.

    But, if only 2 people show up, that'd also be fine with me. It's not a numbers thing. :-)

    Here's a sample blurb to post.

    40th Anniversary Celebration of Druidism in America
    By the Reformed Druids of North America (RDNA)
    May 2-4 and June 19-22nd 2003
    Carleton College, Northfield Minnesota
    All Druids & interested are cordailly invited to this forested campus.

  • When?

    May Reunion was a great success and
    June's Reunion has its final major update

    View from the Labrynth on Stewsie Island at Carleton First Celebration in MAY, the Primary Anniversary

    It was a big success from May 1st to May 4th. The full archived schedule of events of the completed May Reunion can be viewed at Old Anniversary site. It was quite good fun, with 35 attendees and a dozen events. We hope and expect the June Reunion to be even bigger.

    Second Celebration in JUNE, the Secondary Party

    Performers at a play on Mai-Fete island at the May Festival of Carleton in the 1940s and 1950s, a local event of some reknown If you could not make it in May, you could always choose to attend the Annual 2003 Carleton Alumni Reunion, which is on the Midsummer, conveniently enough. I suspect the June meeting will be potentially even larger in attendance than the May meeting which had over 30 people. I couldn't decide which I wanted to participate in, so I chose to attend both (since other research commitments bring me to Northfield then, including the release of my third full-length movie). The schedule will firm up by May 17th, but some events will happen on all 4 days. Attend those that look interesting to you.

    No reservations are needed (unless you're staying in the supercheap dormitory facilities with cheap meals, so sign up with Alumni Affairs properly, and checkmark the "Druid Reunion" on the application form) so just show up and jump in. In general most Druid meals will be with the general alumni body, but at the Druid picnic on Saturday, everybody should BYOB, BYOF and BYOMI (musical instruments) so we can have a fun potluck, no matter how few (or many) arrive. Please somebody bring musical instruments and songs to share! Until you arrive, you won't know who's there, including yourself. Dress cooly (Avg. temp is 92F in day and 80F at night) in clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, and be prepared for mosquitos. Sensible footwear recommended. The Solstice (Mid-Summer) activities are still loosely scheduled, and will be quite simple, and alternative activities & sites will occur in case of rain. Friends & family are welcome.

    Our events will be listed in the standard schedule of Alumni activities (we may also attend related groups' activities like arb-walks and folk-dancing). A full list of events will be on a schedule when you show up. Ask for "THe Druid Reunion Schedule." The difference for June will be: no current students, more Alumni events, more mosquitoes!, 95F weather, & cheap on-campus housing. Non-Alumni should carefully arrange lodging, & contact me if you are at all puzzled. If you're really strapped for funds, I do have FREE space in an extra reserved room in 1st Floor of Goodhue with 2 beds and room for 3 people on the floor. First called, first reserved. ;)


    Note, official Druid events & strongly encouraged events by other groups are Boldfaced and those events by other groups which we casually recommend, are in standard font. See the Alumni site, for the full schedule at Many non-Druid events haven't decided on a location yet, but will be listed on the Druid handout sheet and on official reunion schedules. Don't feel obliged to show up at everything, there are just too many events, but please pick a few that are interesting. You should drink plenty of fluids and rest often.

    Thursday, June 19th:

  • 3-10pm Arrival Registration You pick-up keys, purchase meal tickets, and there should be a Druid Reuion sign-up sheet set up at the regular table in Sayles-Hill Student Center. I won't arrive till '9pm, but we'll meet up on Friday.
  • 3pm Dorms Open For those staying on-campus (which I ofcourse recommend at the cheap prices (book them in March!), you will want to move in and get set up. I'd recommend staying in Goodhue (or Myers or Watson), unless you're a "3" or "8" graduating class, then you should stay with your class.
  • 7-10pm Irish Pub Exercise Join other early arrivers for a drink and "one-arm lift-presses". Location: "The Contented Cow" in an allyway around the side of the landmark Archer House Hotel on Division Street, close to the campus.
  • Friday, June 20th:
  • 6:30am '53 Bird Walk with Sue Sparling Grieff '53.
  • 7-9:30am Tee Times available at Northfield Golf Club (must register by May 15th)
  • 7am-7pm Recreation Center open
  • 8am-10pm Arrival Registration Location: Sayles-Hill
  • 9am-10am Campus Tour Location: Uncertain
  • 8am-5pm Gould Library open.
  • 10:15-11:15am "Ian Barbour on Science and Religion" TV documentary and discussion with Ian Barbour, Winifred & Atherton Bean Prof. of Science, Technology & Society Location: Uncertain
  • 10:15-11:15am "A Japanese Garden in Rural Minnesota:Ancient Rocks and Fresh Blossoms" by Bardwell Smith, (Prof. Asian Studies, and once advisor to Druids) Location: Japanese Garden behind Watson Hall
  • Around 12PM Druid Lunch & Planning Meeting If you're already here, come by and meet us and we'll discuss how the upcoming events will happen. Location: Nourse Hall Food Tent area, look for "a sign"
  • 1:30-3:30pm "The Arb Today" walking tour with Arboretum Staff to hear and see the environmental details on the massive expansion of the Lower Arb. Location: Depart from front of Recreation Center.
  • 1:45-2:25pm Talk by Nancy Wilkie, Prof. of Classics, Anthropology & Archaeology Location: Uncertain
  • 2pm "Counter Culture" a film release by Lyn Elliot '93 (Asst. Prof. of Film, Penn State) Location: Boliou Hall.
  • 3:30-5pm Druid Archives Activity & Interviews Browsing of Druid Archival collection of historical materials (flyers, diary notes, poems, stories, articles, essays, photos etc.) maintained by the College. Tell us if you're interested in donating materials. Presentation of 2nd Edition of "A Reformed Druid Anthology" (ARDA 2). Location: Lowest Floor in Gould Library at Carleton Archives office.
  • 3-4pm Dance class with Mary Easter & Rae Schupack Nathan, Prof. of Dance & the performing arts.Location: Uncertain
  • 5:30-6:15pm Shabbat Service Location: Uncertain
  • 6:00pm Druid Dinner Eat and talk. Location: Nourse Hall Food Tent area, look for a "sign"
  • 8-9pm Alcholics Anonymous (AA) meeting
  • 9-11pm All Class Ice cream Party Location: Uncertain
  • 9:30pm-12:30am Druid Sweatlodges For those interested, we'll be having three or four open sweat sessions in the popular Carleton Druid tradition dating from 1985, drawing on European and Native American inspiration, for purposes of purification and prayer. Be well hydrated, at peace, and avoid heavy meals at dinner time. Bring a towel to dry-off, and loose bathing suit, if your modesty requires one. There are no gender-related restrictions on men or women. People with pertinent medical problems (cold, heart conditions) should exercise caution, but may choose to tend the fire or assist in other ways.

    Fire preparation, lodge building & sanctification of site will actually begin at 8:30pm and sweats will begin around 10:30pm or so. You're welcome to help the setup. If you arrive after a sweat has already started, just sit by the fire quietly until the men and women inside the lodge finish, and then you can join when the next one begins after a short rest. About 5-7 people can fit into the lodge at one time, and the moderate sauna-like conditions last 20-25 minutes. If you have led one before, and would like to learn how, contact to arrange details or to ask questions. Location: Druid's Den not too far from Hill of Three Oaks.

  • 10:15pm Fireworks Location: Lyman Lakes
  • 10:30pm Class '73 Bonfire Location: Hill of 3 Oaks
  • 10:30pm Class '98 Bonfire Location: Mai Fete Island
  • 12:01am Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix available at the Carleton Book Store! Buy it now!!!
  • Saturday, June 21st

  • 7:30 Breakfast Location: On your own.
  • 7:30am Northfield Arts Guild Fun Run/Walk with Hal Higdon '53, Senior Writer, Runner's World. Register in advance by calling the Arts Guild at 507-645-8877
  • 7:30-9:30am "The Arb Today" walking tour with Arboretum staff Location: uncertain.
  • 8-9:30 "Art Walk" through the Upper Arb with nature illustrator Clare Walker Leslie '68 Location:Uncertain
  • 8-9:30 Women's Forum Location:Uncertain
  • 8:30-9:30am "Out After Carleton" gathering of GLBT alumni, friends & family Location: Uncertain
  • 8:45-11:45am Carleton-made Druid Movie Premier Okay, it's not really Druidic, but most of the movie's actors and cast were Druids, or their friends. There are two possible showings. If editting is finished in time: "Drake's 7" is a science fiction series comdedy/tradgedy based on the British series "Blake's 7" in the early 80s, and it was filmed entirely at Carleton College. Length is about 3 hours (10 mini-episodes) Produced between 1996-2002. Autographs are free.
    NOTE If the final editting of "Drake's 7" is not sufficiently completed in time, then we'll show our 2 hour 1995 movie "Gatorr: The Rabbit Warrior" which is a humorous & bizarre barbarian spoof of a young lad seeking his lost sister, fighting a band of rogues, and finding spiritual enlightenment from the Lepus Monastary in Uzbekistan. This was also filmed entirely on campus with a mostly Druidic crew and cast. Location:Boliou Art Hall's small movie theatre.
  • 8:30-9:30am Gathering for Multi-cultural alumni and friends. Location: Uncertain
  • 8-6pm Arrival Registration Location: Sayles Hill
  • 8:30-5pm Gould Library open.
  • 9:45am Parade of Classes Location: Bald Spot
  • 10:30am Alumni Convocation Location:Skinner Chapel
  • 12:15pm ON-TIME 40th Anniversary Service Led by oldest willingest Third Order member in the group, with assistance & readings by any who feel inspired to contribute. Followed by a Group Photo. After all that, a fiery wheel will be rolled down the hill, in a sort of giant coin toss, to gauge the group's marital & financial fortunes. Location: Start with a procession from Monument Hill to Hill of Three Oaks (Service is held there at 12:20pm for about 40 minutes), afterwards we'll process in a disorderly manner to the enormous Stone Circle in the Upper Arb (see below) Rain Plan Location: If it's raining harder than a misting or gentle sprinkle, promptly go to the Skinner Chapel, otherwise we'll be tough and get a little damp. If we must use the Chapel, we'll have to be extra-quick to squeeze in between class photos there, so be on time!
  • Around 1pm-4pm Druid Festivities Sunpole dance, a picnic (bring food & drink & a hat for shade), a wedding, fortune telling, silly games & contests for a few hours. Location: Massive Stone Circle of Upper Arb. Special Directions: From the Hill of 3 Oaks go towards Druid's Den, step onto paved road, go down hill over the first bridge, up hill to a lookout facing Evans Hall, and go 30 yards further to where a dirt road branches off to the left. The Circle will be visible on the right after 80 yards of uphill walking. It's not on the official Arb Map yet, but quite close to the "Mary Okada Postage Stamp Prairie" Rain Plan location Meet at Goodhue's Concrete Bridge with desired level of raingear for a long walk in the rain lasting about 80 minutes through upper and lower arb.
  • 1:30-2:30pm "Life, Time and Emotional Intelligence" with Bill Tredwell '68 and Alan Hughes '68 Location:Uncertain
  • 1:30-3pm "Life Changing Events" Class '83 Location:Uncertain
  • 2-3:30pm "Ethics in Our Lives" discussion with John Levine '58, Peter Puchner '58, Neale Stearns '58
  • 3:00-4:00pm Open Rotblatt ("Softball") Location: Recreation Center
  • 6:00pm Dinner Location: On your own, or at Nourse Hall Food Tent, look for "a sign" to indicate the eating place.
  • 8:30-11:30pm All-Reunion Entertainment "Folk Dancing!" Yes this is happening at the same time as the Druid Bonfire at night. Oh well! Go to one or attend both for a little. Location: Cowling Sports Center's Dancing Room. Join in, dances will be taught (mostly Eastern European, Israeli and British dances)
  • 8:30-9:20 Sunset Gazing Beautiful view and mosquitoes are provided at no extra cost. Bring friends and repellant. Location: Hill of Three Oaks
  • 9:00pm Games: play board and card games with alums from all classes Location:Uncertain.
  • 9:30pm-2:16am Druid Bonfire & Story Telling Evening bonfire and rollicking exchange of stories between new and old timers. Bring copies of interesting jokes, poems and *short* stories you'd like to share with others. Some singing may break-out, especially if you bring copies of your songs. Roasting food on the fire is welcome, if you can get close enough. Hopefully, the smoke will flush out the bugs. Letters will be read from those who couldn't attend (send one to Location: Druid's Den, which is just south of the Hill of Three Oaks. Rain Plan Location Goodhue Super Lounge for a singing celebration, with song books of popular tunes (folk, broadway, protest, pop, campfire, children) provided to pass a few hours 9:30pm-12:00am. Somebody please bring a guitar!!
  • 10pm Class '68 Bonfire, Hill of Three Oaks
  • 10pm Class '93 Bonfire, Mai Fete
  • Around 10:30pm Vigilers Depart Some vigils may occur, perhaps, let us help arrange it if you need to use an official fire-pit. Vigilers will leave with the Third who will be overseeing their vigil. Location: Depart from Bonfire at Druid's Den Rain Plan Location: If vigilers want to, they can still vigil in the rainy hot night. I know I will, being a glutton for punishment. An umbrella may be provided to those brave souls.
  • 11:30pm Night Arb Tour with the Druids A mysterious guide will lead a 60-80 minute long Night tour of Upper Arb, and the closer part of the Lower Arb by flashlight, for the brave, showing some of the odder sites and sensations of the Arb. Listening to the night sounds and the crunch of your footsteps in the night breeze. Or perhaps we'll do it in the pitch dark, since the moon doesn't come out until 1:20am? (Sounds exciting, huh?) Location: Depart from Hill of Three Oaks, look for the tour-guide with a torch or flashlight and a big smile. Rain Plan Location Same plan, just bring desired rain-gear and let a smile be your umbrella.

  • Sunday, June 22nd

  • 5:30am Sunrise Vigil Ordinations For people who vigiled and are entering the Third or Higher orders. Location: Hill of 3 Oaks or nearby Monument Hill, Vigilers' choice.
  • 6:30am Druid Farewell Service For everyone. Will be led by newest willingest Third Order members in the group. Location: Hill of 3 Oaks, rain or shine.
  • 7:00am Druid Breakfast Traditionally, vigilers pay for the breakfast or dinner of the Ordainer. (wink!) Location: Nourse Hall Food Tent?
  • 8am Tai Chi with Ken Sansome '68
  • 9-Noon Library and Book Store open.
  • 10:30-2pm Recreation Center Open
  • 10:30 Alumni Memorial Chapel Service with Chaplain Carolyn Fure Slocum '82, Alumni Choir Direcotr Lawrence Henry '76, Rev. David Mertz '78, and Rev. Carol Rexroad Cannon '78.
  • NOON Check-out!

  • Swamp Druid

  • Contacts:
    Write to Mike Scharding '93 ( )if you need frequent e-mail updates or are unfamiliar with Carleton or Northfield, otherwise, don't worry about things, just book your plane tickets and just check into the website in early April for the final time-schedule and meeting places of the events in May, and May 15th for final schedule of the June Reunion. He is generally overseeing the logistics of both events. With fortune, you'll find Mike at all Bold-Faced events, along with an affectionate "Labradoodle-guide-dog-in-training" named "Sandy".

    Three of the current Archdruids at Carleton will run events in May, but likely will be absent in June.

    Alumni Affairs's Reunion Site
    is at (and register for June online there, be sure to click the box for "Druid Reunion" under special events there, or on your mailed registration form) and their phone number is 1-800-729-2586. Late sign-ups in June can sign in at the Sayles Hill registration desk; ask for Druid Reunion Sign-up board.

  • Transportation & Maps

    Getting to Minnesota

    map of minnesota BY PLANE from anwhere in the world to Minneapolis

    Minneapolis/St. Paul ("MSP" is the airport code for online searches) is a major hub for flights, and is the headquarters of North West Airlines (NWA), which often offers the best rates when booked a month early. or are the best places to book, in my opinion.

    Save on Airfare

    Carleton College has selected Northwest Airlines as the official carrier for Reunion 2003. If you travel to Minneapolis/St. Paul between June 17 and 26, you are eligible to receive an additional 5 percent discount off the lowest applicable fare. Northwest Airlines offers non-stop flights from many cities to Minneapolis/St. Paul and connecting flights from most others. For the lowest fares available from your departure city on Northwest Airlines or any other carrier (as well as special discounts on rental cars), call Carleton Collegefs preferred travel agency, Northfield Travel/Carlson Travel Network, at 1-800-533-2054; fax 507-645-6225. (If calling from outside the continental U.S., call 507-645-6631.)

    Hours: weekdays 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.-noon (CDT). Please identify yourself as attending the Carleton College Reunion. Or, your local travel agency can access the Northwest Airlines discount by calling Northwest Meeting Services at 1-800-328-1111 weekdays 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. (CDT)

    BY BUS from anywhere in America to Minneapolis

    Greyhound Bus Lines Information: 800-231-2222

      Minneapolis Depot: 1100 Hawthorne Avenue (Also 1st Avenue)
      To speak with an agent: 612-371-3325

      St. Paul Depot: 166 West University Avenue
      To speak with an agent: 651-222-0507

    BY TRAIN from anywhere in America to Minneapolis

    Amtrak Passenger Services Information: 800-872-7245

      Twin Cities Location: 730 Transfer Road, St. Paul 651-644-6012
      From Downtown Minneapolis:
      Catch any east-bound Metro Transit bus #16 on 4th Street at Nicollet Mall or Hennepin Avenue
      Get off at University Avenue and Cleveland Avenue
      Cross University Avenue; walk two blocks east on Transfer Road

    Because trains to Minneapolis/St. Paul generally arrive late at night, you should plan to stay overnight at a hotel or motel near the station and then come to Northfield the following day by cab.


    Getting from Minneapolis to Northfield

    You have four options to get from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport to Northfield (about 35 miles). You can rent a taxi ($60 one-way) , renting a car, or take the Co-op Bus from the College during the school year, the more difficult Jefferson Bus (year-round), or take the free special Summer Alumni Chartered buses (June 19-22 and just say you are meeting your alumni friends in Northfield). See the details below.

    Once in Northfield, you donft really need a car, as the area around Carleton is a very walkable place, and parking is a real hassle. Parking will be available at May Reunion (such as the Rec Center, early in the morning), but absolutely impossible at June Reunion (you'll have to park at a really distant place).

    from airport BY CAR from Airport to Northfield

    At the Airport or in Northfield you can rent a car ($50/day but note that there is very limited legal parking on the campus, although temporary parking is sometime possible at the Lower Arb parking lot or the Recreation Center near Lyman Lakes on campus)

    Directions from Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport (MSP)

      Exit airport outbound roadway.
      Take I-494 West to I-35W South to Highway 19 East (exit 69, Northfield exit).
      Drive east on Highway 19, 11 miles to Northfield.
      At the first stop light (where Highway 19 merges with Highway 3), turn left.
      Go to the next stoplight and turn right.
      Proceed to the stop sign (on Division Street).
      Proceed straight ahead, up the hill, on 2nd Street.

    It is only about a 45-minute drive from Minneapolis and 60 minutes from Rochester.

    Please note: Road construction is planned for the exit area of I-35 & Highway 19 (Northfield exit #69) starting early April through mid-September 2002. Please plan for delays and watch for posted detour signs. For updates from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, see

    Caretenders Northfield Van Service Shuttling between Northfield and Airport

    This service needs at least 48 hour prior reservation, but can handle between 1 and 12 people at a time, with the price changing to refelct the number of passengers. Example: Price for 2 people roundtrip is about $100 total, this seems a good bargain and operates year-round. Call at 507 664-3859.

    CO-OP BUS from Airport to Northfield


    During the normal school year (i.e. Sept to June 5), the Co-op bus offers weekend transportation between Northfield and various locations in the Twin Cities for students, staff, faculty, alumni, and visitors to the college. All riders, including subscription holders, must make a reservation at least 24 hours in advance to be guaranteed a seat.

    Telephone Number 507-646-4499

    Transportation to and from Minneapolis/St. Paul airport is available every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday during the academic year, except during the first and last weeks of classes and mid-term breaks (2003 Spring Term Mid-term Break is Sat May 3rd to Mon May 5, so coming Friday May 2nd is possible by Carleton transportation only). There is a $20 round-trip charge for this service. Reservations are made upon receipt of payment. It also stops at Downtown MPLS, Mall of America, Macalester and St. Olaf on its circuit route. So don't get off at the wrong place!

    If you reserve a space in the airport car, the driver will meet you in the Baggage Claim Area near Carousel No. 5 before the scheduled departure for Northfield. Tell us your airline, flight number, arrival time, and the date, and the driver will be looking for you. The driver will be wearing a Carleton College jacket or shirt for identification. Trips to the airport leave from Willis Hall.

    Friday (May 2nd okay)
    Carleton 1:30 pm 5:30 pm 10:30 pm
    Airport 2:48 pm 6:48 pm 11:48 pm
    Carleton 4:24 pm 8:24 pm 1:24 pm

    Saturday (not May 3rd because of Mid-term break)
    Carleton 10:00 am 1:30 pm 5:30 pm 10:30 pm
    Airport 11:18 am 2:48 pm 6:48 pm 11:48 pm
    Carleton 12:54 pm 4:24 pm 8:24 pm 1:24 am

    Sunday (not May 4th, because of Mid-term break)
    Carleton 1:30 pm 7:30 pm
    Airport 2:48 pm 8:48 pm
    Carleton 4:24 pm 10:24 pm


    The luxurious motorcoach shuttle service is available for $35 round trip between the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport and Carleton College at specific times:

  • Thursday, June 19, at 2:30 pm, 5 pm, and 8:30 pm
  • Friday, June 20, at 9 am, 11:30 am, 2 pm, 5 pm, 8 pm
  • Sunday, June 22, at 6 am, 8 am, 10:30 am, 1 pm

    Remember to allow one hour for travel time between Carleton and the airport. Pre-registration is necessary using the reunion registration form; if no one has registered in advance for a particular shuttle time, a shuttle will not be provided. If you are arriving in St. Paul by train, you will need to take a taxi to the airport (approx. 30 min., depending on time of day).

    When you arrive at the airport, proceed to the lower baggage claim level and check in at the Carleton information booth (look for signs and the maize yellow and blue balloons). Carleton students, dressed in reunion shirts, will assist you.

    [Please note: if your flight is delayed and you miss the last Carleton shuttle, your options include renting a car, or taking a taxi (approx. $60 one-way). Commercial bus service (Jefferson Lines/etc) is available on a limited schedule between the airport and the Big Steer truck stop at I-35 and Hwy 19 (8 miles from Northfield), with coordinated transfer to a Northfield Transit bus. For more information call 1-800-451-5333.]


    Jefferson Bus LInes JEFFERSON LINES (a more difficult Bus choice, but year-round)

    Commercial bus service with routes extending from Minneapolis to Dallas, serving eleven states in the heartland of America. Service is available in the Northfield area to points along the Interstate 35 route, which includes the Minneapolis Greyhound Terminal and the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The bus stops at the Big Steer Travel Center located on Highway 19 just west of Interstate 35. See the website below for more information. (See the Northfield Transit site for information on buses available between Northfield and the Big Steer Restuarant.)
    Telephone Number 800-451-5333;
    Local Agent (Big Steer Restaurant): 507-645-6082

    From this area, 5 miles from the heart of Northfield, you can catch the $1 Northfield Transit shuttle (507) 645 7250 to anywhere in Northfield. Call about an hour before you want to get picked up, or schedule a pick-up up to 2 days in advance.


    Getting around in Northfield

    map of Northfield Northfield Taxi

    Service is provided in Northfield and can make trips to the Twin Cities. Call the number below for rates and availability.
    Telephone Number


    Northfield Transit Mini-Bus

    Telephone Number:

    Northfield is walkable, and on the map to the right, you can walk anywhere to anywhere in 90 minutes, but if youfre at a distant hotel, you might appreciate this service.

    This amazing mini-bus service is operated by the City of Northfield. It provides service anywhere in Northfield for $1. Call the Dial-A-Ride number listed to schedule a pickup. Two-hour advance reservation is requested.

      Scheduled Hours of Operation are:
      Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
      Thursday evenings until 8:00 p.m.
      Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


    Getting around at Carleton

    map of carleton campus

    Good Carleton Campus Map


    Getting around in the Arboretum

    map of upperarb near the hill of three oaks Carleton is one of the top five small liberal arts colleges (only 2000 undergraudate students), yet it is set in a sleepy college town of 14,000 people, with 800 acres of oak savana, flood plain forest, swamp, and prairie & upland forest with the scenic Cannon River running down the center with two lakes.

    The Arb is used extensively as an outdoor classroom by a number of Carleton courses, particularly in Biology and Geology. The Arb has been a State Game Refuge for decades, and it serves a valuable role in providing habitat for species of diverse natural communities. As ecological restoration proceeds in the coming decades, the conservation value of the Arb will be substantially increased.

    map of upperarb near stone circle, which is just to the right of the intersection of three paths at letter O and number 3 The most common recreational use of the Arb is by casual visitors who come to walk, run, ski, fish, or simply enjoy being outdoors. There are occasionally organized athletic events in the Arb, and both Carleton and St. Olaf teams use the Arb as a training facility for cross-country running and skiing.

    Adjoining corn fields, golfcourses and cemetaries greatly extend the green zone, and it therefore constitutes a major migration corridor for deer and waterfowl going north and south. It is rich with many mammals, reptiles and birds , much to the delight of the Druids.

    Wefll likely use the Hill of Three Oaks for dawn meetings, the fire-ring at the "Druid's Den" (or maybe the nearby Hill) for the bonfires, and the massive Stone Circle will host the Beltane maypole, 40th service and picnic. The June 40th service will likely be at the Hill (less bugs). Check update.

    Monument Hill was where the first service was held in 1963. Stewsie Island now has an inlaid labyrinth (Lilac Hill is now mostly gone). The Druid Archives is in the basement of Gould Library. Japanese Garden is behind Watson Hall. In 1999, we were amazed by the sudden appearance of the massive Stone Circle,that is located in the upper Arb, just to the right of the three-path intersection on letter 0 and number 3 on the graphic to the graphic to the right. It is important to find this for several of the Druid Events at both Reunions. Directions:To find it from the Hill of Three Oaks: face due south and leave the Hill and go to the paved road going and down a slope into the forest (THe Druid's Den wooden gate will be on your left; right as you enter the trees, so don't enter Monument Hill's paved loop by mistake!), cross the first concrete bridge over an often non-existent brook, and staying on the paved road go up slope of the oak-savanah to a nice lookout bench facing Evans Hall (known as "Postage Stamp Prairie"), then go about40 yards fruther on the paved road and notice a dirt road on the left side of the path (east), take the rough wide dirt-rock path up for 60 yards, and you'll see the stone circle on the right (at the edge of the grassy fields). It's about 8 minutes on foot from the Hill of Three Oaks (nearly due south as the crow flies).

    Much has changed in the Arb over 40 years, so walk around and note the transformation by Grounds crew!

    Simple 800 Acre Arboretum Forest Map

    Detailed 800 Acre Arboretum Forest Map (.pdf)

  • Lodging & Accomodations

    Goodhue Dormitory where the RDNA was brainstormed over a meal in April 1963 Northfield Hotels
    (use to locate)

    Everyone needs to find lodging or go camping for the May celebration. However, the June celebration offers Alumni & family a chance for real cheap on-campus lodging with meals. Non-alumni should find a hotel, or contact Mike, who'll claim to be attending with several extra "cousins" and siblings (which is technically true...)

    Archer House 212 Division Street (507) 645-5661 (800) 247-2235 Adjacent to campus, quaint & folksy. $70-120.

    College City Motel, 875 Highway 3 North (507) 645-4426 Cheap, reasonable. 1 mile from campus, $50-65

    Country Inn Motel, 300 South Highway (507) 645-2286 (800) 456-4000, about 800 yards away, $70-90

    AmericInn Motel & Suites, 1325 Bollenbacher Ave., (507) 645-7761, About 2 miles away, $65-80

    Super 8 Motel, Highway 3 South (507) 663-0371, (800) 800-8000 About 3 miles from Campus, $60-80

    River View Legacy Motel, Highway 3 and St. Olaf Ave. (507) 645-9980, about 1.5 miles from campus, $60-80

    Dundas (an adjacent town)

    Another Time, 305 Railway Street, (507) 645-6367

    Summer Reunion Weekend Housing

    How much does it cost? If you come for the whole weekend, stay on campus and purchase all meals, the cost is $170 per adult. Additional costs include fees for the airport shuttle ($35 round trip), Golf ($40) and the Children's Program ($75 for the weekend). Alumni celebrating their 50th, 55th, 60th or 65th reunions receive complimentary housing and meals.

    When do I sign up? Registration forms are mailed to everyone in March, 2003, and online registration opens March 3. Register by May 1 for a special discount; final deadline is June 2.

    Where will we stay? We recommend you stay on campus; early registrants are much more likely to be housed with their class. Hotel rooms in Northfield are limited. The 40th and senior reunion classes stay in residence halls with air-conditioning. The 5th and 10th, due to their large numbers, stay in Evans and Goodhue, respectively. Rooms are assigned on a first-registered, first served basis.

    What should I expect from a dorm room? The dorm rooms are clean and spare, with twin beds. Sheets, blanket and pillow, and towels/washcloth are provided. There are generally either no hangers or very few hangers in the closets. We will have a quantity of fans for rent for the un-airconditioned residence halls. We do not have irons, ironing boards, or blow dryers. Each room has a phone; refrigerators are located in the hall lounges.

    A variety of housing options is available for alumni attending Reunion 2003. For those who prefer to stay on campus, reunion classes will be housed together in residence halls whenever possible; register early for the best chance to be housed with classmates. Overflow/late registrant housing will be in Musser. If your registration form and payment are postmarked by May 1, 2003, we will confirm your residence hall assignment in advance. Check-in begins Thursday, June 19 at 3 p.m. (residence halls will not be open before that time); check-out is noon on Sunday, June 22.

    Please note that residence hall accommodations feature bathrooms down the hall from your room (except Davis, Severance, the Townhouses, and Evans, which have private/semi-private baths). A linen packet, including sheets, blanket, pillow and towels, is provided for each bed. Residence halls are not air-conditioned (except Davis, Nourse, Watson and the Townhouses); all beds are twin-sized.

    We encourage you to bring the following items if you think you might need them: reading lamp, hangers, small fan, alarm clock, and extra blankets or pillows if needed. Irons are not available. Fans are available for rent at Sayles-Hill Registration.

    On-Line Registration Possible

    Please Click Here for alumni registration. Be sure to click "Druid Reunion" under Special Events that you'll be attending.

    Non-Alumni & Impoverished Druids
    If you are not an alumni, and wish to stay in Campus Housing, do call me first, and I'll see if it can be arranged, otherwise if things don't work out, you'll have to book a hotel room. (Which isn't so bad).

    Just in case, I've also reserved two extra rooms at my own cost for crash space for those who are either non-alumni or just can't pay for a room (which is about $40 barebones cost "per bed" for weekend, I believe) and other eventualities (such as rain drowning out some secret campers) and storage. There is also the option of hiding in the woods and camping (which is frowned on by authorities, under no circumstance build a fire except in established fire-rings).

    For either free room (no board) and camping options write me to coordinate at It's on a first come first serve basis, and you may possibly have to share the room with several people of undetermined gender.


    Housing Assignments (May change depending on registrations. The largest residence halls are assigned to the largest classes.) The Druids are not organized enough to stay in a particular dorm together, so please choose whatever dorm you feel comfortable with, yet I believe Goodhue, Myers and Watson are closest to the Arb action, and I'll be staying in Goodhue with "Sandy the Wonder Pooch" and my wife Hachi. A list of where everyone will be staying should be available at check-in time.

    Class of Housing Assignment
    1963 Davis
    1968 Davis (upper)
    1973 Severance
    1978 Burton
    1983 Myers
    1988 Parish House and other off-campus houses
    1993 Goodhue
    1998 Evans

    Carleton's Cancellation Policy

    Full refunds will be issued if we receive notice of cancellation before 5 pm on Monday, June 9. No refunds will be made after that time. Carleton cannot make partial refunds of the weekend package price. Call 1-800-729-2586 to cancel.

    Cows, Colleges & Contentment

  • Northfield Highlights
    Shop, tour & relax in beautiful Northfield. "Cows, Colleges & Contentment"

    Did I mention there's an Irish Pub called "The Contented Cow" on a small alley on Division Street (near 7th st), at one end of a small pedestrian bridge over the Cannon river that is literally covered with hundreds of cast iron Druid Sigils? Built in 1997-ish.

    The other claim to fame for the town, besides two of the top ten small liberal arts colleges (Carleton & St.Olaf), is that they foiled the last bank-robbery attempt by the Jesse James gang in the 19th century, with great bloodshed.

    Suggested Websites for the Reunion Up to the week current information on how the May & June celebration plans are here Information on visiting Carleton and finding a place to stay. Don't forget that camping and crash space! Alumni Affairs's Reunion Site is at and their phone number is 1-800-729-2586.

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