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Weird But True

In the paper "Private Eye" in the UK they have a section called Colemanballs. It has all the cock-ups that TV/radio announcers make and is named after a sports commentator named David Coleman - the master himself.
Note: There is a similar collection at "Sayings and Writings".


Right, the copyright issues. If anyone can prove to me that I have broken a copyright and you are unhappy about it please don't hesitate to drop me a line and I will comply with any agreement we come up with.
As for using pieces off this site please go ahead, cut and paste to your hearts content - BUT I insist that you do not alter the text in any way, leave all source references in tact and add the following to your selection:-

Taken, with permission, from Mike Boyle's "Weird But True" web site (http://www.oocities.org/mikey_boyle)

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