Here's some Additional Information on stuff you might see in the world of Lunar Eclipse. Spirit Demons There are six different "species" of Spirit Demons. I will list them in order from weakest to strongest [power wise] Shadow Demons Light Demons Fire Demons Water Demons Soil/Earth Demons Soul Demons Shadow Demons are the weakest of all the Spirit Demons. They generally live in dark areas of Shika, like the Dark Forest, and the Deathlands. Shadow Demons were created with the Spirits of hunters, both man and beast. Light Demons are the fifth strongest of Spirit Demons. These Spirit Demons live in fields and rarely are seen in towns [but they do appear there once in a while]. They don't usually attack, but when they do, they attack with force. They were created by the Spirits of young, creative minds of pure-hearted children. Fire Demons are the fourth strongest of Spirit Demons. They live near Volcanoes and other hot areas. They can control the Volcanoes in the Sapphire Mountain Range. When annoyed or angered, they decide to explode [volcanic erruptions] and can cause many deaths. These Spirit Demons were created by the Spirits of old, lonely creatures. Water Demons are the third strongest of Spirit Demons. They live in/near Lakes and Oceans, attacking boats and even sometimes attacking land dwellers. They can somewhat be controlled by the Merpeople in the Mei Ocean, the Yume Ocean, and the Kokoro Sea, but only for a short amount of time. They were created from the Spirits of the merpeople that have long since died. Soil/Earth Demons are the second strongest of Spirit Demons. They live under ground, and can cause earthquakes when angered. When they surface, they are huge, about the size of a large house. They were created by the Spirits of the dead trees and plants. Soul Demons are the ultimate strongest of Spirit Demons. These Spirit Demons live everywhere, but mostly in Cemeteries. They steal Souls, and eat them when it is most convenient. They are the size of a normal adult human being [although many are the sizes of children and other adults of other races]. Some dwell in other living creatures' dreams. The living creatures whose dreams these Spirit Demons dwell within can control any and all of the Spirit Demons, but only for a short amount of time. These spirit Demons are your basic "Ghost". They were created by the restless Spirits of all other once-living creatures. The Main 9 Goddesses There are 9 Main Goddesses, not counting the Supreme Goddesses [not much is known about them]. Sol is the Goddess of the Sun [she is described to have long blonde hair to her waist, bright golden eyes, a bright white dress that reaches past her feet, and large white feathery wings.] Shi is the Goddess of Death [she is described to have long black hair to her waist, dull dark blue eyes, a long black dress past her feet, and large black demonic-looking wings] Mizu is the Goddess of Water [she is described to have long bright blue hair to her waist, bright blue eyes, and large fairy-style wings] Tsuchi is the Goddess of the Earth [she is described to have long brown hair to her wiast, pale green eyes, wears a short green and brown dress, and has large fairy-style wings] Yoru is the Goddess of the Night [she is described to have long, dark blue hair to her waist, with dark blue eyes, a long black dress with shining gold and silver specks on it, and large black feathery wings] Kaze is the Goddess of the Wind [she is described to have long white hair to her waist, deep blue eyes, a long white dress which reaches past her feet, and large white feathery wings. Luna is the Goddess of the Moon [she is described t have silver hair past her shoulders, gray eyes, a long silver dress, and has large silver feathery wings] [click here for more] |