Miniature and microscopic sculptures of wood is priority in art by Dmitry D. Emelyanov. Artist use for artwork ordinary and very rare sorts of wood . Microscopic sculpture a need of very hardwood material, very hardness and sharp tools. Dmitry long time searched proper tools for creation extraordinary artworks. But it is was unsuccess and he was compelled to manufacture the Micro-Tools independently(without any assistance).
Dmitry create miniatures according to technology by ancient traditions - only by hand-tools and without any optical devices. These indispensable conditions allow named Dmitry`s art is rarity and precious in contemporary art! High quality of a rare and other wood, a excellent professional experience of artist allows to create unique miniature sculptures for the Church, the Office, the Home, the Art Galleries and Museum. Uniqueness of every work is guaranteed!
But even the wood with big hardness demands very the big accuracy and attention at creation of miniatures. Only one awkward movement of a chisel and laborious work of several months be destroy...
Miniature and microscopic sculpture of wood require a mobilize all the reserves of physical power and intellectual faculties. After three - four hours of such constructive work be cramp in the hands from weariness and effort, backbone and legs grow numb from motionless, eyes can see only big and brightly lit things... All it can be give start to many serious illness. But it is very awfully interesting work - creation miniature and microscopic sculptures of wood!
Unfortunately artist had not create of miniatures in last several months. Therefore at this exhibition You can see only images of art that was created some years earlier( though here presented not all Dmitry`s artworks of wood) . But probably artist will have possibilities for make similar unique art in future still. And You will can find it here!