Breed Description
GROUP:The Miniature Pinscher is in the toy group.
DESCRIPTION: Also known as Min Pins, they are best known for their total self-assurance and spirited animation and its high stepping gait.They are very alert and loyal to their owners.
TEMPERAMENT: Fearless animation, complete self-possession, and spirited presence.Playful and brave.
SIZE:10 inches to 12 1/2 inches in height, with desired height 11 inches to 11 1/2 inches measured at highest point of the shoulder blades.
After spending only a few minutes with a Miniature Pinscher it becomes very apparent..that they really do earn their title "King of Toys"!!
A Miniature Pinscher is quite  a "character". Spending only a few minutes with one makes it immediately apparent that they really earn their title "King of Toys". You will find the Min Pin to be fearless, animated, intensely curious.. Other breeders have been quoted as saying "It's like living with a roomful of toddlers who never grow up" and "This is not a beginner's breed". Because of their high energy levels and inquisitiveness, the Min Pin bears close watching. They need to investigate everything and will go to great lengths to do so - which includes being "escape artists". Rarely does anyone own "just one" as they seem to grow on you and accumulate. Plan to spend many nights when you turn off the TV because your Min Pins are putting on a much better, and funnier show.
With a knowledgeable and persistent trainer.. the Miniature Pinscher will make a very good obedience dog, the Miniature Pinscher can exceed in obedience.Depending on their mood..on any particular day.They can also leave spectators and even their owner in stitches with their antics. This is typical of the Min Pin personality, the more a crowd laughs..the more they will dis-perform! However, they definitely have their serious moments in the obedience ring and many Min Pins have earned the highest obedience ratings and tiles possible!
After you have informed yourself about the Miniature the "King of Toys" meant to "Rule" in your home?
The Miniature Pinscher originated in Germany several centuries ago..where the red Miniature Pinscher was known as "Reh Pinscher" because of its resemblance to a small red deer found in German forests years ago.

What small dog has the intelligence.. pride.. spirit and ferocity of a much larger dog but still has the charm and playfulness of a puppy? If you have ever met a Miniature Pinscher.. I"m sure you know the answer. Anyone who has owned a Min Pin will attest to this unique dog's complex character.

The Miniature Pinscher is not a scaled down version of a Doberman,in fact the Miniature Pinscher is the older of the two breeds.

Known as King of the Toys, the Miniature Pinscher at first glance.. looks like a tiny Doberman.
They are sometimes called Teacup Dobermans, prolonging the myth that the Min Pin was bred down from the Doberman.The two breeds are unrelated...although they do share a guard dog instinct.

Even so...the similarity in appearance is striking, making the black and tan color of the Miniature Pinscher an especially popular choice for pet owners who enjoy having a Doberman look a like..that fits into a small home with limited yard space.The Min Pin can also be surprisingly fearless towards large dogs, with an attitude that exaggerates the dog's small size.
COLORS:Solid clear red. Stag red (red with intermingling of black hairs). Black with sharply defined rust-red markings on cheeks, lips, lower jaw, throat, twin spots above eyes and chest, lower half of fore legs, inside of hind legs and vent region, lower portion of hocks and feet. Black pencil stripes on toes. Chocolate with rust-red markings the same as specified for blacks, except brown pencil stripes on toes.
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