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CHAINBREAKERS | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Life can be very cruel and unkind. It can even appear to be unfair at times. There are often situations in life where we feel trapped. Closed in or even bound. These situations may last for days, weeks, months, even years. When we converse with people we often tell them how we wish for better days or brighter times. However when it gets down to it in some cases we've been down so long that we've grown accustomed to it. Misery has over a period of time sadly become acceptable company. So what do we do? How do we break free? How do we break the chains? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
It is our goal to help you to do all of the above. To finally break free!!! The fact that you have taken the time to read this is definitely a step in the right direction. We do not nor do we want in any shape form or fashion to appear that we have all of the answers. Because we don't, our goal is to educate and help motivate you to find what will work for you and eventually set you free. Throughout the process we will definitely point you to the one who does have all of the answers. In fact he is the answer!!! However it is up to you whether or not you are willing to take the necessary steps to your personal path to freedom. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mat 9:11) And when the Pharisees saw, they said to His disciples, Why does your master eat with tax-collectors and sinners? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mat 9:12) But when Jesus heard, He said to them, The ones who are whole do not need a physician, but the ones who are sick. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
When things are going well in life often we pay little attention to the spiritual aspect of our lives. Things are going fine and God is there when we need him but for now the best place is for God to stay where he's at while we enjoy life. Then trouble hits whether of our own doing or from situations and circumstances beyond our control. No matter where it comes from when it hits trouble has a way of getting our attention and keeping it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
In our text we find the Pharisees who sad to say also represent some of those who call themselves Christians today. The Pharisees are commenting on how Jesus would break bread with those that were looked down upon during his time. His response sends a message loud and clear to the church of his day as well as ours. He responded that The ones who are whole do not need a physician, but the ones who are sick. If you are sick and in need of healing God wants to see you healed. As believers those who are in need should be able to turn to us. We should be the vehicle that God uses to bring about healing. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
The church should never fail to aide those that suffer be it from physical sickness, the cares of life, or the results of someone's personal sin. Those that are hurting should always be able to turn to the church. However today just as in our text that is not always the case. The church often resembles the Pharisees by looking down on those that God wants them to help. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
So where should you go if you have tried everything and everybody still you are in trouble. The answer today is the same as back then that answer is Jesus. People can and often do fail but Jesus never fails. At the same time if you are in deed in trouble with no where to turn. If there are things in this life that have you bound and you just want to be free Jesus is the answer. Jesus does use people to help bring about his purpose in our lives. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Everybody is not bad there are still many Godly people all around the world. Sometimes we just tend to be around the wrong folks in or out of church. Then another thing to remember is that people aren't perfect. Yet God still uses people. He'll either send you to someone or send someone to you. It does not have to be in person. It could be in a book such as this, a Bible story, TV, radio, the Internet. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
If you have a need for healing then God wants to heal you. Your need may not be one for physical healing, it could be mental, emotional, financial, or situational. Everything may be fine in every aspect of your life however you feel tied down or bound by one area. It could be stifling to the point that emotionally even physically you can't breathe. There is help and hope because God has a way out for you and he will give you the strength to cope. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
You must believe and trust God. Regardless of whether you brought your current situation on yourself via bad decisions, sin, and disobedience, whatever the case may be. God loves you he does not love our sin but he does love us and he is always willing to forgive and restore. However the process of forgiveness and restoration does not free us from the consequences of sin or bad decisions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Excerpts from latter part of the book | |||||||||||||||||||||||
The Path to Personal Freedom:(Proverbs 16:25) There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of it is the ways of death. Psalms 27:11) Teach me Your way, O Jehovah, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies. |
(Psalms 119:105) NUN:Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Spiritual: The first thing we must do as we journey through life is to realize which direction to go. If we look at life as a journey that takes us along various paths then we want to always be sure that we take the right one. As far as the path to personal freedom it starts once you honestly examine your personal situation and yourself. Once you have dealt with the past and other things that have you bound or are hindering your progress then you are on your way. The true path to freedom may not be as clear as one might think. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
In our first scripture found in Proverbs we find someone who honestly feels that they are on the right path only to be headed towards death. Just turn on the television these days and you'll find programming that for all intents and purposes appears to be good but will lead you down the path to death. For example the very popular sitcom the Golden Girls here we have a group of single middle aged to senior citizen ladies. They are very loving and caring women with what on first glance appears to be good morals and values. Yet on closer examination they are far from it when we apply biblical standards. This statement will shock some but in fact they are all whores. Why? Because all of them in one episode or another engaged in sex outside of the sanctity of marriage even the oldest one. They practiced a lifestyle of sexual immorality. Sex is reserved and even commanded for those that are married no matter what the age. To live a lifestyle that incorporates sex outside of marriage is one that is sinful. It is one thing to make a mistake and fail morally as we all do because we are still tempted and subject to the failures of the flesh. However if you are daily living a lifestyle contrary to the word then you are on the wrong path and headed for death (an early one due to sin). So you think that the Golden Girls were cute and sassy for their ages. The statistics are staggering when it comes to HIV positive women over age 50. This age group saw a 107% increase since 1991. As I'm writing this I have to always keep my guard up none of us are immune to sexual sin there are many examples in the Bible from Samson to David to Solomon. We must all be careful in this area. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(http://aids.about.com/cs/aidsfactsheets/a/olderhiv.htm). | |||||||||||||||||||||||
We won't just pick on the Golden Girls, Sex In The City, Will & Grace, The L-word all of these programs foster a lifestyle that can literally send you to an early exit from this life. So Hollywood is not where one should look when searching for their path to personal freedom. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Teach me Your way, O Jehovah, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies. The psalmist David has it right we are to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit if we are to take the proper pathway towards freedom. Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. Here again the psalmist has it right God's Holy word the Bible will shine its light into our spirit showing us the right path to take. |