Valerie Lowe
Valerie Lowe is an associate editor with Charisma and Ministries Today magazines. She lives in Orlando, Florida with her daughter.Though she graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism from FloridaA&MUniversity, Valerie embarked on a career in education so she would be able to devote her time and attention to her daughter. She spent seven years as a high school career counselor and teacher with Orange County Public Schools. As an educator, she launched a successful student-led prayer team where she witnessed the power of God in the lives of teenagers.
Though her season in the educational field was a detour from her original goal of becoming a broadcast journalist, Valerie now sees it as God's divine providence. This God-appointed time of preparation included in depth Bible study, fasting and prayer.

Through a series of prophetic words spanning 1991 to 1995, God began to show Valerie that she would one day practice journalism. During some of the most challenging times of her life, she would often hear the Lord whisper: "You will speak to thousands and thousands of people." Those prophetic words came to fruition when she joined the editorial team at Strang Communications in May 1996, working on Charisma, a publication with more than 600,000 readers.

Her initial goal was to help the magazine expand it's coverage of the African American church community, but today she covers a wide range of topics from reconciliation in the church to single parenting.

A new chapter in Valerie's life seems to be unfolding. She recently founded Keep the Faith Single Mothers Ministry after reporting on the plight of single moms. Valerie continues to minister in churches, conferences, women's events and in secular settings. She is a member of New Life Church of Orlando Church of God in Christ, pastored by Elder Derrick W. Hutchins. Valerie teaches a woman's class and produces the ministry's television program.

Her burden is to help women discover their God-given destinies, and to let them know that regardless of the obstacles in their life?s, God can and will use them for is service. A single mom seeking to balance family responsibilities, career and ministry, Valerie knows from experience the pressures women face in the 21st century. She offers an encouraging message of hope and purpose for the end-time move of God.
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