Romantic, Exotic or simply Vanity

Romantic, Exotic or simply Vanity

What is it good for?


(click the pic to reach the index and ascertain)

I have heard your words...They have entered one ear...And shall not escape the other - Sharitarish 

Index of Pages

PageNo Title Subsidiary Pages Description
0 Vanity 01, 02, 4 Romance, Exotic, Links
01 Romance 1, 2, 3 Romantic Tales, Annecdotes, Poetry
02 Exotic 5, 6, 7 Exotic/Erotic Tales, Poetry,Vignettes.
1 Tales 1001-124 30 Romantic Tales
3 Poetry 31,32,33,34,35,36 Romantic - Light,Love,Morbid,Pastiche, Seasonal
4 Links - Links to Other Favourite Sites
5 Vignettes 51-59, 991 - 9991 30 Erotic Tales/Vignettes
6 Poetry 61,62,621,63,64,65 Erotic - Comical , Erotic, Pastiche, Perverse. Six Poems added 02/02
7 Tales 701-793,1001-1011 30 Erotic Tales
Latest Pages Added 02/02
New Romances 37 22 New Romantic Poems
Quiet Force 67 27 New Erotic Poems
Late Night Fingers 68 17 New Erotic Poems

 "I thank you for nothing, because I understand nothing - John Lyly