The Mask And The Mirror
Nobodys thoughts:
   In every situation in life we wear a mask to our true selves. We pretend to be other than we are in order not to offend or insult. This is what society has dictated as respectful and welcome behavior. We nod our heads, put on our disguise, and go about our lives, little noticing that we even wear the mask. Such is the way of life- as it has been and probably always will be.
   In life, however, we must acknowledge the secret side of ourselves or it will eat away at who we are until it can no longer be contained. We must hold up the mirror to ourselves and see who we really are. Past the mask; into the deep recesses of the mind.
   This is the purpose of this site- to strip away the mask I wear from day to day and express the thoughts and emotions I cannot express as somebody. Maybe as nobody I will feel free enough to express them.
- Nobody
Me- Figuratively of course
Thoughts and Ramblings:
Camera Wanderings
Religion And All That Mess
This New-Found Patriotism
Aromatherapy Info and Recipes
This site is always under construction- Dont mind the mess...
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