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After the house arrest...
29th of December, 1998

My client Salih Mirzabeyoðlu is a thinker...

He is a revolutionary thinker...

He is 50 years old...

He has 41 works in the form of compliation...

And at this moment he is suffering together with Mehmet Fazýl Aslantürk in a double cell in Ýstanbul Kartal prison under the stiff isolation conditions...

Yes, he is a detaniee...

That means he is an accused...

This means there is not a certain decree about him given by a court...

This is Turkey...

A country where all basic law principles and all human rights are fearlessly violated by an oligarhic dictatorship that seized the power...

This oligarchic dictatorship supposes that the people, who are seen to be “enemy” by it, are slaves with no right and it behaves so...

My client Salih Mirzabeyoðlu is one of the top names on the list of “interior enemies” of this oligarchic dictatorship settled in Ankara and he is a direct target who must be destroyed...

There is not any legal support for the lawsuit brought about him... You will see this fact when you read “His Defences” in our site...

“Whether there is any legal support or not” does not matter. Infact, even the concept of “law” alone is a concept that annoys excessively this oligarhic dictatorship in Ankara...

Even they don’t abstain frequently to say words clearly in the meaning of “if law and human rights were not present, we would govern the country finely!”.

Remember the former President Demirel’s remark: “Sometimes the State can depart from the routine”...

Remember the police officiers’ illegal manifestation at the streets with the slogan “Down with the human rights”..

And also remember that Mehmet Aðar, who can be regarded as one of the masters of torture and illegal execution, was the Justice Minister in this country..It was the same person, Mehmet Aðar, who said “We applied 1000 covert operations, we crushed the terorism. Whatever we did was done for our State with the approvals of the National Security Commite (MGK)”, when the 15 thousand murders, that were commited by unknown perpetrators, were mentioned...

Does the State exist in a place where law does not exist? So you are violating the law by the purpose of defence of the State.

These are odd creatures who don’t know and also don’t want to know what is law.

They think that law is “the law”... If they prepared the rules in the direction of their own advantages, everything is okay!...

In such a country we try to carry out the profession of attorneyship, which is a profession whose performance became impossible in such a country...

Defence is one of the basic elements of judgement...

A judgement without defence is equivalent to the lawless execution...

In a situation where defence is not present, you can never mention about “the fair judgement”...

In all countries in which law is dominant, attorneyship, “the profession of defence”, is equivalent to the jurisdiction in the aspect of status and security..

But this is Turkey... There is not anything here like that... There is no time to be lost for the unnecessary things such as defence, law, justice, fair judgement, indepedent judgement...

The sharing of the contracts which are adjudicated for billion dollars, narcatic drug commissions, the incomes of imaginary exports and the legitimized unlegitimate money among the friends. And the acquaintances has the major priority for it...

So the most important matter for the oligarchy is “the fair sharing of the unlegimate incomes”...

For this purpose they can even realize a coup d'e-tat.

Haven't they done it?

They can even commit murders!

Where are the killers of the 15.000 dead?

Who are they?

A handfull of appointed bureaucrats... A handfull of plundering “businessmen”.. A handfull of greedy politicians... A handfull of media employers and their orderly journalists... The total number of them is less than a thousand...

But they do have the power...

They decisively use the extreme power that they seized for their own advantages...

All of them are about 1.000 immoral gang members.

But they seized the power... They rule the population of 65 millions as they like.

My client Mirzabeyoðlu has shown their true colours and disturbed them with his works... This is what they can’t forgive and accept ...

Mirzabeyoðlu, who is one of the most productive thinkers of the Rebuplic, was accused for this...

Because of this they want to destroy him.

Although there is not a decree given by a court about him he is being subjected to an illegal execution with the words of “Illegal ÝBDA-C (Islamic Great Earstern Raiders-Front) Leader, the Ringleader of Illegal ÝBDA-C” by the media that are the horns of the oligarhic dictatorship... All types of disinformation about him are being applied...

Some subtle operations are being applied to lead him to the alternatives of whether to agree to be a robot with no personality or to go mad or to commit suicide..

This is the reason for the presence of this site.

To defent my client who is subjected to a multi-sided, heavy lawless attack!

This site is a part of the defence...

Because, the judgement is not being carried out in the courthouse... It is being carried out at the media... It is being carried out behind the closed doors of the “officies” in which some immune persons work... A ferfidiously lawless execution and lynching process is unfairly being operated... As if the oligarchic distatorship, that lives in the darkness, seemed to leave the duty of destroying my client to the court.But then they gave up and decided to destroy my client by themselves because they have seen that my client’s and our defences exposed the emptiness of their assertion.

We set up a legal site. Our purpose is to inform the public about Salih Mirzabeyoðlu’s judgement process and the realities behind the lawless attacks realized on him.

We believe that this purpose is a part of the struggle for the domination of law in our country and it will contribute to this struggle... For this reason we expect the contributions and supports of everybody who wants the law to become dominant... After I read my client’s file by the State Security Court (DGM) , I remembered a book which I had read 20 years ago, namely “Dreyfüs Case”, by Emile Zola.

Dreyfüs, who is a military officer having Jewish origin, was accused with an assertion that he was a traitor to his country as the result of a conspiracy realized by the “dark state”. He was arrested and by depending on the invented evidences he was sentenced. The media which are the loyal servants of the dark state made the public to take sides against Dreyfüs by properly managing the duty that was given them. As the result of this succesful mediatic lawless execution, all French people believed that Dreyfüs was a traitor... Only his family knew that he was not a traitor but they couldn’t tell anybody about it.

Emile Zola appeared and he started an investigation with the hypothesis that Dreyfüs could not be a traitor.

At the end he understood that Dreyfüs was not a traitor but a victim of a conspiracy.

The famous author charged himself for defending the rights of an innocent who was supposed to be guilty and started to struggle against this... This struggle, which was started by a single man, became an unpreventable law struggle with the contribution of the French intellectuals and at the end Dreyfüs obtained his freedom...

In Mirzabeyoðlu’s suit file there are not evidences even as much as in the Dreyfüs's suit file...

But He is both imprisioned and under a heavy attack...

I am neither a famous person nor an author..

But my profession is to defend...

I know that my client is innocent in this suit... Because I know the suit file...

For this reason, with this site I have started a law struggle...

I leave the rest of it to the consciences of the intellectuals who appreciate the value of law..

Emile Zola started his work, '' Dreyfüs Case'' with the words “The Truth is walking”...

Yes “The Truth is walking” and it expects your contributions to come to light...

These words also belong to Zola: “I said that the truth was walking and nothing was able to stop it. The first step was taken, the second one will also be taken. Afterwards, the other steps; and finally the step which makes us to reach the certain result will come”

Aug 19th, 2000